Monday, May 21, 2018

Abdelkader getting started

Abdelkader reported another problem during inv bd in Developer Guide:

Warning, treated as error:
/root/lino/repositories/book/docs/dev/invlib.rst:14:undefined label: atelier.invlib (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)"

Let’s look at line 14 or file docs/dev/invlib.rst. It says:

of the atelier_ package: :ref:`atelier.invlib`.

The :ref:`atelier.invlib` there is a Sphinx’s :ref: role. See the Sphinx docs. It is used to refer to another page or section.

And indeed, the atelier.invlib reference requires intersphinx because its target is not inside the book project, it is in the docs of atelier.

It should refer to the following address:

The source code of that page is here:

It contains the code .. _atelier.invlib: before the section header, that’s what you do in Sphinx for defining a reference target.

When Sphinx complains that atelier.invlib is an unknown reference, then we can conclude that intersphinx failed to load the index of the ateler docs tree.

I guess that Abdelkader does not yet use the atelier with my changes on Thursday, May 10, 2018 (Fixed another bug in atelier). I released atelier 1.1.8 on PyPI so that he can just do pip install -U atelier. Another fix would have been to switch to the development version.

Shortly afterwards we discovered another minor bug in atelier. When the ~/.atelier/ file contains an invalid project name (i.e. it calls atelier.projects.add_project() with a root_dir that doesn’t exist), the project is being added to the list, but pp -l failed:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'configuration'

Now (in the coming version) this configuration error will already raise an exception when reading the ~/.atelier/ file, making it easier to localize.

Backwards-incompatible change in eidreader

Ticket #2393 (Wrong error message when no eid card found) required a backwards-incompatible change in eidreader about the format used for sending the data to an URL: instead of posting every data field as a string, eidreader now POSTs the card data as single field card_data whose value is a dict with the same fields as before, only that it is JSON encoded now.

We also added a new field message. Until now there was only one explanation for having success set to False: no card was inserted in the reader. But actually there are other possible explanations: e.g. a card was there, but the user did not permit access to the reader. In that latter case, message now contains “CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED (0x00000006)”.

Unknown callback -9223363281463807000

I observed for the first time a problem that appears to the end user as a message of style “Unknown callback -9223363281463807000” after they have answered to a callback question. It occurs only sporadically, and no real user has ever reported something similar. I observed it in lino_book.projects.adg. I opened ticket #2395.

Some debugging revealed that it comes when the id of callback exceeds a certain limit:

20160526 Stored -9223363281463806667 in {-9223363281463809571: Callback('You are about to delete 1 Client:\nSAFFRE Luc Johannes (203)\nAre you sure ?'), -9223363281463806667: Callback('You are about to delete 1 Client:\nSAFFRE Luc Johannes (204)\nAre you sure ?')}
[21/May/2018 18:27:47] "GET /api/avanti/MyClients/204?_dc=1526927267258&an=delete_selected HTTP/1.1" 200 221
No callback -9223363281463807000 in [-9223363281463809571, -9223363281463806667]
[21/May/2018 18:27:48] "GET /callbacks/-9223363281463807000/yes?_dc=1526927268692 HTTP/1.1" 200 90

Python does not seem to have any problem with integers of tht size:

>>> str(-9223363281463806667)

But Javascript seems to have:


Yes, that’s the problem: the highes number Javascript can handle is 9007199254740991 (253). Found on SO.

Hm, it seems that we need to use something else then the object’s hash as callback id… and I don’t yet understand why this problem occurs for the first time only now…