Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hamza worked on #2765. I tested it and updated the docs in 2018 and Install your Lino developer environment.

Yes, it installs, but when I create a sales invoice and try to print it, I get a SyntaxError: invalid syntax (, line 43). This is because of a package pisa. I guess that we can remove this dependency since pisa isn’t used by any production site. Also tells us to switch to xhtml2pdf, which in turn recommends to switch to weasyprint.

The lino_xl.lib.pisa plugin was already deprecated earlier. I deactivated the PisaBuildMethod in lino.modlib.printing.

The lino.modlib.wkhtmltopdf might get deprecated as well some day, but the presence sheet in still uses it.

I moved the dependencies for ‘pisa’ and ‘django-wkhtmltopdf’ from lino to book.

I removed appy as dependency from lino and updated appypod : Generate printable documents from odt templates with instructions for installing it manually.

Hamza and I found the explanation for #2768. It was in lino.core.inject.collect_virtual_fields() : If a model defines both a database field and a virtualfield of same name, then the virtualfield must be ignored.