Sunday, May 9, 2021

I started the Howto pages section of the User Guide. That made me discover #4148, which I fixed. Later I wrote new content (or moved it from the book docs) in accounting: General accounting, vat: handling value-added tax and Howto pages.

The docs/shared/include/defs.rst still contained a series of URLs that referred to github instead of gitlab.

Sharif asked a good question. Example: in Lino Shop a customer can see (view) the tables of products and use the filter parameters (which will be very complex) and the feature of sorting product lists by price or something else, so we clearly want a customer to see the products.Products table and its children, but this shouldn’t mean that a customer is also allowed to edit anything in these products. To make this possible, we changed the API: Actors no longer have an attribute editable, but a method is_row_editable() (which is a class method on the actor, and the default implementation calls an instance method of same name on the model). The application developer can now specify that some model or actor generally refuses editing for a whole row based on the user’s role(s).

Note that even when is_row_editable returns False, we need to loop over the names in disabled_fields because they also contain the actions. For example we don’t want the add_to_cart action to be disabled for customers. IOW when is_row_editable() return False, should simply add all fields to the set returned by the actor’s get_disabled_fields().


# core.fields.TableRow
def is_row_editable(self, ar):
    return True

# Actor
def is_row_editable(cls, obj, ar):
    return obj.is_row_editable(ar)

# products.Product
def is_row_editable(self, ar):
    if not ar.get_user().user_type.has_required_roles([ProductsStaff]):
        return False
    return True

As a side effect of planning above changes, we renamed make_view_permission_handler() to make_static_permission_handler() because this expresses more clearly what it does. It is static, not necessarily only for views. Though we use it only for getting the view permission. All other permissions are “dynamic”. i.e. they get a table row for deciding whether permission is given or not.

We investigated into #4150 (When creating a Furniture, Lino shows also Thriller as category)

I created #4151 (Cannot upload new image from product detail).

I fixed two “trivial” failures in the book, both were caused by minor “quick wins” I had done recently:

The doctest docs/specs/avanti/uploads.rst failed because MyExpiringUploads.description_link now uses the __str__() method instead of doing almost exactly the same. There was a subtle difference, though. Probably not important. I just adapted the expected result.

The roger project, which installs the publisher plugin, now has one pluing more because publisher now automatically installs bootstrap3 as well. This combination is not yet used in production, and it might go away again in case we decide to deprecate publisher. Until then I just adapted the expected result.