Friday, January 26, 2018

Referring to source code of a python object

I discovered #2285 and did preliminary tests.

I moved some code py2url_txt from lino_xl to rstgen.sphinxconf.base because that’s where it should be.

Here is a code snippet which reproduces the problem:

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.min1.settings')
>>> from rstgen.sphinxconf.base import py2url_txt
>>> print(py2url_txt('lino')[0])
>>> print(py2url_txt('lino.api.doctest')[0])
Error in Python code ('module' object has no attribute 'doctest')

Chase Seibert had the same problem:

But his solution doesn’t work out of the box for our context. Needs more work.

Nachtrag Avanti

Der neue Klientenzustand “Empfangsbestätigung” fehlte noch. (I still had some dead code in lino_avanti.lib.avanti.choicelists and did that change there but then didn’t verify whether it was visible.)

TypeError: ‘type’ object is not iterable

Came when creating a new ticket. This was my mistake. Needs a quick release to Jane.

Lino Tera weiter

I did a series of application-specific changes based on a mail by Daniel. Then a relase to their production site followed by a data import (lino_xl.lib.tim2lino.spzloader2)


11 Selbstständig/Freiberufler
31 Arbeiter/Angestellter
51 in Ausbildung
54 Hausfrau/Hausmann
61 arbeitslos
63 berufsunfähig
65 Sozialhilfeempfänger
80 im Ruhestand
90 andere Situation
00 unbekannt


00 unbekannt
10 zahlt nichts
11 Tarif 2,00
12 Tarif 5,00
13 Tarif 10,00
14 Tarif 15,00
15 Tarif 20,00
16 Tarif 39,56

02 allein ohne Kinder
03 allein mit Kindern
21 in Partnerschaft mit Kindern
22 in Partnerschaft ohne Kinder
31 bei Eltern
32 alternierend bei Eltern
35 bei einem Elternteil
37 bei Pflegeeltern
60 Adoptivfamilie
81 in Einrichtung oder WG
90 sonstige Möglichkeit