Monday, February 19, 2018

“We don’t want no freedom”

I read the summary of a documentation on German television about why many European governments continue to ignore the vendor lock-in:

“Wanna Cry” war ein Weckruf: Die Cyber-Attacke traf im Mai 2017 hunderttausende Rechner in über 100 Ländern. Aber wie kann ein Schadprogramm Unternehmen, Krankenhäuser und sogar Geheimdienste lahmlegen? Die Antwort: Microsoft. Die Software des Konzerns macht angreifbar für Hacker und Spione, verstößt gegen das europäische Vergaberecht, blockiert den technischen Fortschritt und kommt Europa teuer zu stehen. Warum aber stemmen sich Regierungen gegen die Alternativen, oder kehren sogar zurück in die Arme von Microsoft? Andrup Ansip, EU-Kommissar für den digitalen Binnenmarkt, und weitere Akteure stellen sich den Fragen. Das Microsoft-Dilemma

Estonian Wikipedians met in Tartu

Estonian Wikipedians met last Saturday in Tartu to elect the board members of their organization (MTÜ). Märt Põder, one of the professional activists in their small team, wrote a review of their ativities in 2017: Wikimedia hea uue ilma lävepakul

The annual meeting had to face an urgent problem because the Wikimedia Foundation did not yet accept their grant application, and the MTÜ depends quite much on this money which is needed to continue the work. The biggest challenge for the Estonian Wikipedia is indeed that they are such a small community, therefore it is difficult to find volunteers who meet the skills required by the Foundation for maintaining administrative quality standards.

Remove blogs, extend comments

I removed the lino_xl.lib.blogs plugin from Lino Noi because we didn’t use it anyway. And I did a few optimization in the comments framework. The biggest change is that your must now “publish” every comment. New comments are now “pending” (i.e. not published) by default. When you have unpublished comments, Lino reminds this in the dashboard by saying You have 2 items in My pending comments. You can publish them either individually or all at once (currently you must open the table to publish them all).

The RecentComments table had been removed from the get_dashboard_items of lino.modlib.comments “because it is rather disturbing to see all comments”. This remark was obviously from before we had lino.modlib.dashboard (which makes it possible to disable individual items per user).

Instead of short_text and long_text we now have a single field body and a new field body_preview which contains the first paragraph of body_text. Actually these fields are defined in lino.mixins.bleached.BleachedPreviewBody.

Until now the truncate_comment function was called for each rendering of a comment as a list item. Now we use the body_preview field.

I enhanced the truncate_comment function: it now removes the <p> tag around the (only) paragraph. I now also handles texts whose first paragraph is a header (<h1> though <h9>). And it now also truncates plain text.

I moved the test cases for this function from the source code to a separate document comments : The comments framework (mostly in order to avoid problems caused by newlines in examples).

Comment tables now have a parameter panel.

The parameter field user on comments was was read-only because it is a simple parameter field, which means that Lino creates the parameter field as a copy of the database field. And that field (user) is read-only on lino.modlib.comments.Comment. This was a bug in Lino.

I adapted several demo fixtures to above changes: lino.modlib.comments.fixtures.demo2 and

These changes will require attention when migrating the database:

def create_comments_comment(...):
    owner_type_id = new_content_type_id(owner_type_id)
    kw = dict()
    # kw.update(more_text=more_text)
    # kw.update(short_text=short_text)
    from lino.utils.soup import truncate_comment
    body = more_text+'\n\n'+short_text
    return comments_Comment(**kw)

I didn’t write a migrator for this because we have only one production site…

I converted the docs of lino.modlib.comments to prose style.

I removed the obsolete module lino.utils.htmlgen.

TODO: I forgot a “detail”: the notifications are still being sent as before for every new comment and for every change.

Note: when you update the dashboard in your user settings by clicking the