Meeting with Gaëtan Delannay. We comparend Lino and his appy.gen framework.

Lino versus appy.gen

  • ´appy.gen´ uses the ZODB while Lino uses SQL databases.

  • Lino application are rather traditional desktop applications that moved to the web, while ´appy.gen´ application are rather database-driven dynamic websites.

  • Lino does not (yet) offer “workflows”. Gaëtan explains what workflows are:

    The security model behinds gen-applications is similar to what Zope and Plone offer; simply, gen tries to simplify the way to declare and manage security within your applications. According to this model, users are put into groups; groups have some roles; roles are granted basic permissions on objects (create, read, write, delete, etc). Permissions-to-roles mappings may vary according to the state of objects.


Connecting to the BCSS

Gaëtan also explained me how he would generate the XML of BCSS requests.

His method is much simpler than Dave’s generateDS!

We added /lino/sandbox/bcss/test3.py and /lino/sandbox/bcss/test4.py.

Wrote a patch for appy.shared.xml_parser.