1.4.9. had still a bug: when the disable_delete method of households.Household, courses.CourseProvider and jobs.JobProvider didn’t yet correctly skip the
test. Very subtle, but it caused watch_tim to fail when trying to re-convert the two Companies that had become Households.
Don’t want to cancel release 1.4.9 because it has been downloaded over 40 times (probably just some robots, but anyway). So a quick bugfix release
About version numbering.
Should I add a new global variable lino.__release__
and call it instead?
–> No. The version number doesn’t reflect whether a database migration
is required or not. Applications just add an empty migration step
if there’s no migration needed.
“Ich möchte eine Nachricht in Historik bei einer Person. Lino will nicht und gibt an “Internal Server Error”
–> Stimmt. Man kann seit der 1.4.8 überhaupt nichts löschen.
Auf dem Server kommt dann folgender Traceback:
'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'subst_user' Request Method: DELETE
Ist doch immer wieder erstaunlich, was für tolle Fehler es schaffen, unbemerkt durchzuschlüpfen.
Worked on lino.apps.presto
blogs.Entry : renamed field subject to title, added a field summary