Removed some non-fatal warnings which occured when loading the dump of a real database created using a Lino 1.4.0 (lino_welfare.migrate.migrate_from_1_4_10().)

Controller of a Posting must be a Postable

This error message was caused by the following test in the save method of postings.Posting:

def save(self,*args,**kw):
    if not isinstance(self.owner,Postable):
        raise Exception("Controller %s is not a Postable." % obj2str(self.owner))

Removing the test caused everything to load correctly. Which means that the above test failed only during the deserialization. Here is the relevant code of the dump:

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

def new_content_type_id(m):
    if m is None: return m
    ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(m)
    if ct is None: return None
    return ct.pk

def create_postings_posting(id, owner_type_id, owner_id, user_id,
        project_id, partner_id, state, date):
    owner_type_id = new_content_type_id(owner_type_id)
    return postings_Posting(id=id,owner_type_id=owner_type_id,

def postings_posting_objects():
    yield create_postings_posting(2,notes_Note,3722,200099,20966,None,'',date(2012,9,5))

A similar case is outbox.Attachment which says “Controller None has no method get_target_url”:

def save(self,*args,**kw):
    if not hasattr(self.owner,'get_target_url'):
        raise ValidationError("Controller %r has no method `get_target_url`." % self.owner)

Hm… I don’t understand why this happens, but I simply remove these special tests as this seem a reasonable workaround.

create_child() Person 6729 from Partner : ignored non-local fields

The reason for this was that the 4 fields activity bank_account1 bank_account2 and is_deprecated have been moved from Company to Partner.

The original create_contacts_company function is:

def create_contacts_company(partner_ptr_id, prefix, vat_id, type_id, is_active, newcomer, is_deprecated,
        activity_id, bank_account1, bank_account2, hourly_rate):
    return create_child(contacts_Partner,partner_ptr_id,contacts_Company,prefix=prefix,vat_id=vat_id,type_id=type_id,

It must be overridden as follows:

def create_contacts_company(partner_ptr_id, prefix, vat_id, type_id, is_active, newcomer, is_deprecated,
        activity_id, bank_account1, bank_account2, hourly_rate):
    p = contacts_Partner.objects.get(pk=partner_ptr_id)
    return create_child(contacts_Partner,partner_ptr_id,contacts_Company,prefix=prefix,vat_id=vat_id,type_id=type_id,
        #~ is_active=is_active,
        #~ newcomer=newcomer,
        #~ hourly_rate=hourly_rate

The same applies to Person and Household.

The “ignored non-local fields” message is now an Exception, no longer a warning, because backwards compatibility is no longer needed.