20130519 (Sunday, 19 May 2013)

Shared folders are slow

It seems that virtualbox shared folders are slower than using a Samba share. So I try once more to get that running. But either I’m stupid or it is difficult:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Luc Saffre>net view \\hoppel
Shared resources at \\hoppel
hoppel server (Samba, Ubuntu)
Share name              Type   Used as  Comment
homes                   Disk            Home Directories
Samsung-ML-2160-Series  Print           Samsung ML-2160 Series
The command completed successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Luc Saffre>net use h: \\hoppel\homes
Enter the user name for 'hoppel': luc
Enter the password for hoppel:
System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found.

C:\Documents and Settings\Luc Saffre>ping hoppel
Pinging hoppel.lan [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

C:\Documents and Settings\Luc Saffre>net use h: \\\homes
Enter the user name for '': luc
Enter the password for
System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found.

C:\Documents and Settings\Luc Saffre>

Testing tim2lino

Load a current backup:

$ python manage.py initdb b20130517_123030

Reproduce the problem (more than 200 “new” clients):

$ python manage.py show newcomers.NewClients --username caroline

Run watch_tim on directory with a full changelog.json:

$ python manage.py watch_tim tim2lino
INFO Started manage.py watch_tim tim2lino/changelog (using lino_local.dsbe.settings) --> PID 3947
INFO This is Lino Welfare 1.1.4 using djangosite 0.1.4, Python 2.7.3, Django 1.5.1, Babel 1.0dev-r661, Lino 1.6.7, Jinja 2.6, Sphinx 1.2b1, python-dateutil 2.1, OdfPy ODFPY/0.9.6, docutils 0.10, suds 0.4, PyYaml 3.10, Appy 0.8.3 (2013/02/22 15:29).
INFO Languages: de, fr, en. 26 apps, 96 models, 301 actors.
INFO Processing file tim2lino/changelog/changelog.watching.json
INFO PAR:0000000000 : PUT becomes POST
INFO PAR:0000000005 (Client #5 (u'AIR Liquide Belgium (5)')) : Client becomes Company
WARNING B-4720 : get() returned more than one City -- it returned 2! Lookup parameters were {'country': <Country: Belgien>, 'zip_code__exact': u'4720'}
WARNING Exception 'ValidationError({'first_name': [u'This field cannot be blank.']})' while processing changelog line:
{"method":"PUT","alias":"PAR","id":"0000000184","time":"20130517 12:33:46","user":"","data":{"IDPAR":"0000000184","FIRME":"_Niederau","NAME2":"","RUE":"Herbesthaler Straße","CP":"4700","IDPRT":"I","PAYS":"B","TEL":"","FAX":"","COMPTE1":"","NOTVA":"","COMPTE3":"","IDPGP":"","DEBIT":"","CREDIT":"","ATTRIB":"W","IDMFC":"","LANGUE":"D","IDBUD":"","PROF":"83","CODE1":"","CODE2":"","CODE3":"","DATCREA":{"__date__":{"year":1997,"month":3,"day":13}},"ALLO":"AG","NB1":"","NB2":"","IDDEV":"","MEMO":"","COMPTE2":"","RUENUM":"","RUEBTE":"","DEBIT2":"","CREDIT2":"","IMPDATE":{"__date__":{"year":1996,"month":2,"day":12}},"ATTRIB2":"","CPTSYSI":"","EMAIL":"","MVIDATE":{"__date__":{"year":0,"month":0,"day":0}},"IDUSR":"","DOMI1":""}}

WARNING Exception 'ValidationError({'language': [u"Value 'nl' is not a valid choice."]})' while processing changelog line:
{"method":"PUT","alias":"PAR","id":"0000000292","time":"20130517 12:33:49","user":"","data":{"IDPAR":"0000000292","FIRME":"Wellcome Belgium","NAME2":"","RUE":"Avenue Broustin 85","CP":"1080","IDPRT":"I","PAYS":"B","TEL":"02/4240802","FAX":"","COMPTE1":"","NOTVA":"BE-0401.987.992","COMPTE3":"","IDPGP":"","DEBIT":"","CREDIT":"","ATTRIB":"","IDMFC":"30","LANGUE":"N","IDBUD":"","PROF":"19","CODE1":"","CODE2":"","CODE3":"","DATCREA":{"__date__":{"year":1985,"month":8,"day":6}},"ALLO":"S.A.","NB1":"","NB2":"","IDDEV":"","MEMO":"","COMPTE2":"","RUENUM":"","RUEBTE":"","DEBIT2":"","CREDIT2":"","IMPDATE":{"__date__":{"year":0,"month":0,"day":0}},"ATTRIB2":"","CPTSYSI":"","EMAIL":"","MVIDATE":{"__date__":{"year":0,"month":0,"day":0}},"IDUSR":"","DOMI1":""}}