20130714 (Sunday, 14 July 2013)

Continued on Lino-Faggio

  • Added new table faggio.sales.InvoiceablePartners

  • Added a new table sales.InvoiceablesByPartner to detail window of faggio.contacts.Partners.


  • lino.core.dbutils.navinfo() now also works on lists.

Linking to multilingual userdocs

added faggio to the intersphinx_mapping of this blog so that the above links to the userdocs work. Or at least they are now clickable and get their text from the actor’s label.

TODO: urls of intersphinx links to multilingual userdocs still have a problem: should the base language (usually ‘en’, but ‘fr’ for welfare) be at the root (e.g. https://welfare-user.lino-framework.org or like the other languages in a subdirectory (e.g. https://welfare-user.lino-framework.org/en? I’d prefer the former, but the language selector html then needs to become more intelligent. It currently does:

{%- for lng in ('de','fr') %}
{%- if lng == language %}
{%- else %}
  <a href="{{pathto("../"+lng+"/"+pagename)}}">{{lng.upper()}}</a>
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}

Probably something like:

{%- for lng in settings.SITE.languages %}
<a href="{{pathto(lng.url_from(lng,pagename))}}">{{lng}}</a>
{%- endfor %}

A complex queryset

Two last pieces are missing in faggio.sales.InvoiceablePartners before it’s time for a visite de chantier:

The current implementation is rather unefficient because it retrieves all partners and issues two SQL statements per partner to determine whether a partner has some invoiceable:

def get_data_rows(self,ar):
    qs = settings.SITE.modules.contacts.Partner.objects.all()
    lst = []
    for obj in qs:
        if Invoiceable.get_invoiceables_count(obj) > 0:
    return lst

I tested the following code snippets in the demo database using:

python setup.py test -s tests.BlogTest.test_20130714

Test case setup:

>>> import os
>>> os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'lino_faggio.settings.test'
>>> from lino.api.shell import *
>>> from lino.api import dd
>>> from django.db import models
>>> from django.db.models import Q

The primitive implementation found 38 partners:

>>> sales.InvoiceablePartners.request().get_total_count()

The question then was: how to get the same restul using a single SQL statement?

>>> qs = settings.SITE.modules.contacts.Partner.objects.all()
>>> qs.count()
>>> from lino.modlib.auto.sales.models import Invoiceable
>>> flt = Q()
>>> for m in dd.models_by_base(Invoiceable):
...     subquery = m.objects.filter(invoice__isnull=True).values(m.invoiceable_partner_field+'__id')
...     flt = flt | Q(id__in=subquery)
>>> qs = qs.filter(flt)
>>> qs.count()

Note that the above code is no longer being tested because I removed the corresponding line from tests/__init__.py when the solution was found.

And the last missing piece: added a Create Invoice action to faggio.sales.InvoiceablePartners.

Works like a charm! And these last pieces took me less than one hour! (After one day of family trip to Murika beach…) And this morning I estimated that this would take me a whole day! Lino is really cool!