Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Getting started as a Lino developer

Continued on yesterday’s changes and checked in.

Opened ticket docs/tickets/138.

In a consultation with Manuel, we decided to add django-iban and xlwt to install_requires and bs4 to tests_require (in Lino’s setup_info.py).

Yes, this is annoying for people who don’t use the apps who require them (lino.modlib.iban requires django-iban, lino.modlib.export_excel requires xlwt, and some tested docs need bs4).

But it is even more annoying for these people when the test suite fails because these packages are not installed. So currently Lino depends on these packages, and docs/tickets/139 opens discussion about how to solve this dependency.

Kostenübernahme Kleidung

Die neue Bescheinigung clothing_bank.body.html (docs/tickets/136) hat begeistertes Lob bekommen, und unsere Großbaustelle docs/tickets/93 kommt langsam in die Zielgerade. Nur noch ein paar “Kleinigkeiten”.


  • Kinder kriegen 10€, nicht 18€

  • Datumsformat (oben rechts und generell im Text) mit vierstelligem Jahr (dd.mm.yyyy statt dd.mm.yy). –> This was trivial: simply replace the calls to fds by fdm.


  • “U. Zeichen : X/Y/Z” : Das “U. Zeichen” in Arial (sans serif), aber “X/Y/Z” in Roman.

    This is not trivial. Opened docs/tickets/145

Dringende medizinische Hilfe

Added a new body template urgent_medical_care.body.html.