Friday, January 23, 2015


A test case in Lino Così failed: Refusing permission to an anonymous request. A late side-effect of #70. This was a bit tricky to solve. The problem was about how to decide whether django.contrib.sessions needs to be installed. This decision cannot be made by get_installed_plugins since it depends on user_model, which in turn depends on the result of get_installed_plugins.

Added new method SITE.get_auth_method, mainly to make things more clear.

Another thing which I understood: UserProfiles, UserGroups and UserLevels are defined in lino.modlib.users.choicelists even though they used by the core also when lino.modlib.users is not installed. Why don’t I put them somewhere below lino.core? Answer: because they are choicelists, and as such they need to have an app_label. So I generalized the setup_user_profiles trick from Lino Welfare to all Lino applications.


Continued on #47 : added a new field needed to lino_welfare.modlib.uploads.models.Upload. Wrote a new demo fixture lino_welfare.modlib.uploads.fixtures.demo2.

Wrote a new tested document about Uploads in Lino Welfare which revealed some more subtleties which would have caused problem reports.

lino_welfare.modlib.uploads.models.Upload is now a lino.mixins.DatePeriod instead of manually adding two date :class:fields for the validity period. Which means that the database :class:fields valid_from and valid_until must get migrated to start_date and end_date.

Optimizations :

  • In lino.core.layouts I renamed ListLayout to ColumnsLayout.

  • And I added two subclasses of FormLayout, called DetailLayout and InsertLayout. Maybe I should even remove FormLayout one day.

  • And I moved the ad, dd and rt modules into a separate package lino.api. For backwards compatibility, the old names will still work for some time

  • TODO: should we rename column_names to columns_layout or grid_layout?