20150331 (Tuesday, 31 March 2015)¶
Repairing data using a script¶
Yesterday we decided to write and run a rather simple but critical batch operation in a production database.
Here is the script shortly before I actually ran it:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
from lino.api.shell import *
from clint.textui import puts, prompt, progress
from lino.core.utils import PseudoRequest
from lino.core.diff import ChangeWatcher
# rt.show(pcsw.ClientStates)
# rt.show(changes.Changes)
former = pcsw.ClientStates.former
# refused = pcsw.ClientStates.refused
qs = pcsw.Coaching.objects.filter(client__client_state=former,
# qs = pcsw.Coaching.objects.filter(client__client_state=former)
puts("{0} unbeendete Begleitungen ehemaliger Klienten".format(qs.count()))
clients = dict()
for o in progress.dots(qs):
lst = clients.setdefault(o.client.id, [])
puts("{0} Klienten".format(len(clients)))
puts("Davon Klienten mit mehr als einer Begleitung:")
for lst in clients.values():
if len(lst) != 1:
print("- {0} : {1}".format(lst[0].client, [o.user for o in lst]))
ok = prompt.query("Ready to go?", default="n")
if ok.upper() == "Y":
REQUEST = PseudoRequest("robin")
for obj in progress.dots(qs):
cw = ChangeWatcher(obj)
obj.end_date = obj.client.modified.date()
# rt.show(changes.Changes)
I discovered that the puts of clint does not like unicode strings. What a pity! I also saw that they know it.
I wrote documentation for PseudoRequest
and moved it from lino.api.dd
to lino.core.utils
I updated some parts of the Lino documentation.
About plugin inheritance¶
The new module lino_welfare.modlib.countries
is because I
converted the usage of set_detail_layout
and of the magic
site_setup function which were in lino_welfare.models
My plan is to declare this usage pattern as deprecated, but the topic needs more investigation and documentation.
I also tried to solve the problem that a plugin, when it inherits from
an existing plugin, must create a wrapper for everything in its
parent’s fixtures and config directories. That problem is
described in https://www.lino-framework.org/dev/plugin_inheritance.html. My idea was to add
fixtures directories of parent plugins to Django’s
setting. I even got this wo work, but then
discovered that it is useless because it changes the order in which
the fixtures are being loaded: Django’s loaddata command first loads
all fixtures of INSTALLED_APPS
, and only then those from
. No, I think we must continue to live with these
fixture wrappers.