Wednesday, April 29, 2015

News from outside

A Gartner market analysis The State of Open-Source RDBMSs, 2015 (found via IT World Canada) comes to a conclusion which I like (except for the vocabulary problem): “Open-source relational DBMSs have matured significantly and can be used to replace commercial RDBMSs at a considerable TCO saving. Information leaders, DBAs and application development management can now consider them as a standard choice for deploying applications.”

(The vocabulary problem is that they say “Open Source” where they wanted to say “Free” or “Libre”. I guess that the main reason for this vocabulary problem is that the word “free” also means “free of charge” while “libre” is too new.)

Shekhar was the first to speak me about Paramiko. I did not yet understand why it might be useful for me.

Working on #150

Working on The Lino framework. To (hopefully) fix the “SITE.kernel is None” problem. I introduced usage of an reentrance lock for

We still need a _startup_done attribute because Django “somehow” imports the settings module twice. I didn’t understand it definitively, but without this we had the startup code being run twice, which caused error messages about duplicate label in workflow setup.

After yesterday’s revert (git rev-list -n1 –before=2015-04-25 master | xargs git checkout) of my repositories on The Lino framework, I didn’t yet manage to tell git that now I want to go back to the master as default branch. When I run “git pull” (without more parameters), then I get:

You are not currently on a branch. Please specify which
branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1) for details.

    git pull <remote> <branch>

I think that the solution was simply git checkout master.

Changed Apache configurations so that it serves the static files. I hope that I can serve all static files from one place.

Oops, yet another surprise: the lino.css file had a hard-coded expectation that static files are served from /static/. That’s why we now have lino.core.constants.ICON_NAMES, a protection against specifying unknown icon names in lino.core.actions.Action.icon_name, and these style definitions are now inserted into the index.html page. (The latter is a bit suboptimal: we might build a single lino.css file at Site startup (like the linoweb.js).

And yet another surprise: I finally had to tidy up where the passport image read from eId cards are stored and how to access them. This is now done in lino.modlib.beid.mixins.BeIdCardHolder.

Here is also an interesting post which gives more examples of why static files should be managed specially: Stop Using STATIC_URL in Templates