Friday, December 11, 2015

Finally a new series of changes for #143.

In lino_welfare.modlib.sepa.fixtures.demo generiere ich jetzt erstmals auch monatliche Zahlungsanweisungen mit Beihilfen. Es scheint letzten Endes viel einfacher zu sein als ich in den letzten Tagen gedacht habe.

Ich versuche, das alles in Accounting for Lino Welfare so zu zu dokumentieren, dass es wenigstens schon mal für mich (oder einen anderen Programmierer) klar ist.

VoucherTypes no longer uses the model name as value but the table name. This was necessary because we have a new voucher type “Payment instructions” which is stored using the PaymentOrder model but uses its own table.

Supervisor now also is SepaUser. Quick release to testlino on cpaseupen so they can evaluate #505.

The release revealed a possible blocking situation: I did not do any database migration for the new VoucherTypes, and since their database now contains “invalid” values on Journal.voucher_type, their site was broken. Even a Django shell could not easily access the journals table.

To have a chance of solving it, I added the new Site attribute strict_choicelist_values which really makes sense only in situations like this one.

Cannot assign AnonymousUser object at : “Comment.user” must be a “User” instance

#665 revealed a bug in the permission API.

The get_slave_summary method of lino.modlib.comments.ui.CommentsByRFC has this code:

def get_slave_summary(self, obj, ar):
    html = ...
    sar = self.insert_action.request_from(sar)
    if ar.renderer.is_interactive and sar.get_permission():
        btn = sar.ar2button(None, _("Write comment"), icon_name=None)
        html += "<p>" + E.tostring(btn) + "</p>"
    return u"""<div class="htmlText">{0}</div>""".format(html)

But that was not what we reely want. Actually we want:

def get_slave_summary(self, obj, ar):
    html = ...
    sar = self.insert_action.request_from(sar)
    if sar.get_permission():
        btn = sar.ar2button(None, _("Write comment"), icon_name=None)
        html += "<p>" + E.tostring(btn) + "</p>"
    return u"""<div class="htmlText">{0}</div>""".format(html)

IOW : whether the button to write a comment should be displayed, does not depend on the renderer. Even in a non-interactive renderer (e.g. doctests) we want to see them. The problem was that the expression sar.get_permission returned always True if no obj was specified. And InsertRow has now readonly = False.