Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lino Voga prototype final sprint

I added a new action (a first item of yesterday’s to-do list).

docstring of django.db.models.Q causes warning when building Sphinx docs

In order to build the Sphinx docs for Lino Voga I had to patch my copy of Django: edit the docstring of the Q class in site-packages/django/db/models/ because it causes a Sphinx warning, and I don’t want to tolerate those.


Encapsulates filters as objects that can then be combined logically (using
& and |).


Encapsulates filters as objects that can then be combined logically (using
`&` and `|`).

I submitted Django ticket #26233 for this.

‘unicode’ does not have the buffer interface

I merged Hamza’s work for #357 into atelier. The test suite passes on all projects, but I cannot build the docs for atelier after having called fab clean. Here is the session:

$ fab bd
Invoking Sphinx in in directory /work/atelier/docs...
[localhost] local: sphinx-build -b html -W . .build
Running Sphinx v1.3.5
Traceback (most recent call last):ier.sphinxconf.insert_input
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 136, in run
    output = self.get_rst()
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 209, in get_rst
    return self.output_from_exec(code)
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 225, in output_from_exec
    raise Exception("%s in code:\n%s" % (err, code))
Exception: 'unicode' does not have the buffer interface in code:
url = ''
print("`This <%s>`_ is my *favourite* planet." % url)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 136, in run
    output = self.get_rst()
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 209, in get_rst
    return self.output_from_exec(code)
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 225, in output_from_exec
    raise Exception("%s in code:\n%s" % (err, code))
Exception: 'unicode' does not have the buffer interface in code:
self.shell_block(["echo", "Hello", "world!"])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 136, in run
    output = self.get_rst()
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 209, in get_rst
    return self.output_from_exec(code)
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 225, in output_from_exec
    raise Exception("%s in code:\n%s" % (err, code))
Exception: 'unicode' does not have the buffer interface in code:
import atelier
reading sources... [100%] textimage/index
Warning, treated as error:
/work/atelier/docs/api/rstgen.sphinxconf.insert_input.rst:29: WARNING: 'unicode' does not have the buffer interface in code:
url = ''
print("`This <%s>`_ is my *favourite* planet." % url)
Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 'sphinx-build -b html -W . .build'

Hamza, can you reproduce this problem?

To debug this, I chose one occurence of the problem, e.g. in docs/dev/install.rst and added the :debug: option to the py2rst directive there. Then I set tolerate_sphinx_warnings to True in Lino’s so that the real traceback becomes visible:

Traceback (most recent call last):all
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 136, in run
    output = self.get_rst()
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 209, in get_rst
    return self.output_from_exec(code)
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 218, in output_from_exec
    exec(code, context)
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/sphinxconf/", line 256, in shell_block
    print(str(".. code-block:: bash"))
TypeError: 'newstr' does not have the buffer interface

Since the error occurs only when Sphinx tries to build the file, you must touch docs/dev/install.rst each time before fab bd.

It is caused by your change in Looks as if BytesIO does not want any unicode or newstr input, only encoded text. Which sounds obvious and correct. For Python 2 it works when I do this:

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

Lino #36 : Porting Lino to Python3

Hamza started to port Lino framework to Python3 (#36) in a new branch lino_future. Where he started to run futurize script over the Lino code base and fixing manually some errors which may appear, with the help of Django’s Porting to Python 3 <> guide.

I tried his work and (as expected) it fails quickly under Python 2:

$ git st
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git fetch hamza
$ git checkout hamza/lino_future
$ fab initdb test
In demo project
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/python2.7/site-packages/fabric/", line 743, in main
    *args, **kwargs
  File "/python2.7/site-packages/fabric/", line 427, in execute
    results['<local-only>'] =*args, **new_kwargs)
  File "/python2.7/site-packages/fabric/", line 174, in run
    return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/", line 1067, in initdb_demo
    run_in_demo_projects('initdb_demo', "--noinput", '--traceback')
  File "/work/atelier/atelier/", line 1039, in run_in_demo_projects
    m = import_module(mod)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module
  File "/work/lino/lino/projects/docs/settings/", line 3, in <module>
    SITE = Site(globals())
  File "/work/lino/lino/core/", line 1054, in __init__
  File "/work/lino/lino/core/", line 1448, in install_settings
    collect_settings_subdirs(fixture_dirs, 'fixtures', 1)
  File "/work/lino/lino/core/", line 1411, in collect_settings_subdirs
    for p in self.get_settings_subdirs(name):
  File "/work/lino/lino/core/", line 1730, in get_settings_subdirs
    pth = join(dirname(inspect.getfile(cl)), subdir_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 408, in getfile
    raise TypeError('{!r} is a built-in class'.format(object))
TypeError: <module '__builtin__' (built-in)> is a built-in class

I will leave this to Hamza and simply switch back to my master:

$ git checkout master

Removing the “Reference” field from products

Instead of stupidly hiding the ref field of a product in Lino Voga (as asked by the user), I decided to remove it completely from the standard library model (lino.modlib.products.models.Product). By simply removing lino.mixins.Referrable from the list of base classes. This caused of course some (trivial and not many) changes in Lino Così (which also doesn’t actually want a reference field on products) and Lino Noi (which continues to want them, so the lino_noi.lib.products.models.Product model must now inherit explicitly from Referrable).

But it is better library design because extending a simple library model is more elegant than removing features from a too complext library model.

I created a new package lino_voga.lib.products which extends lino.modlib.products and renames “Products” to “Tariffs”.

Before doing above, I also changed the file headers in Lino Voga and the file COPYING from BSD to AGPL. This was necessary because Lino Voga extends Lino Così which is AGPL (mainly because of lino_voga.lib.b2c.camt which is based on AGPL-licensed code).

This is an example of what some people call “viral effect” of the GPL: you cannot fork an AGPL project and publish your derived work under the BSD because that would undermine the requirements of the AGPL. For example, the AGPL forbids to extend Lino Così or Lino Voga and then run run your derivated work as a public service without also publishing your derivated work. The BSD does allow this, i.e. you can do this with plain Lino applications.

Sphinx autosummary and imported classes

I had this problem before, and I solved it somehow, but cannot remember how, and I ignore why and when it started again. There was some hassle because I had submitted a single patch for two issues.

Yes, it is this problem: sphinx autosummary with toctree also lists imported members.

I pulled the latest development version of Sphinx and tried to fix it again, inspired by the solution given in above SO discussion. I submitted my patch in a new Sphinx ticket

The new Sphinx version gave me this error:

WARNING: The config value `html_last_updated_fmt' has type `unicode', defaults to `NoneType.'

Lino Voga prototype final sprint

Continued to work on #701. A series of quick releases. A new (updating) run of

Lino accepts a place which is its own parent

Fixed. lino.modlib.countries.models.Place is now lino.mixins.sequenced.Hierarchical.

Trying Ekiga

First invocation said:

Ekiga did not manage to configure your network settings automatically. You can still use it, but you need to configure your network settings manually. Please see for instructions