Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I finished working on a small series of very specific tickets for Mathieu and Aurélie:

  • #963 (Orientation interne: rajouter l’état “Demandé”):

    In, I added a transition for going from EnrolmentStates “requested” to “confirmed”.

    In Lino Welfare we do not want to automatically confirm enrolments, so I deactivated the which is set by As a result, the default state is always “requested”.

  • #904 : In lino_welfare.modlib.integ we now have a new plugin setting only_primary which influences the dynamic ventilation columns coachings per PersonGroup)

    As a suggestion, the UsersWithClients table is now included in ActivityReport.

I deployed the latest version to The Châtelet variant of Lino Welfare

I opened ticket #967.

Duplicating a Referrable

Strange. I noticed that a change which I believe to have done on Monday, May 23, 2016 is no longer there and seems to never have been committed. It seems that I only updated the docstring of lino.core.model.Model.on_duplicate(), but not the code. I am getting old ;-)