Thursday, September 1, 2016

I continued with #1143.

The inv sdist command now checks whether the current version is already published on PyPI, and if so, fails. For projects which have no version in their it will do nothing. As a result, I can now run the following command:

$ pp inv sdist

This creates a “fake release” of the next version for all projects in my env.sdist_dir.

I had to change the version of several projects. Note that Algus will never be published on PyPI because that would make no sense.

I wrote a new command inv test_sdist. Actually this command has existed once in the past, but I never got it to work. Now it seems to work, at least on Lino Noi.

Changed user role for ReceptionClerkNewcomers

Yesterday night I deployed ticket #1154 to CPAS de Châtelet, and this morning Mathieu reported “Merci mais l’accueil n’a plus accès à la visualisation des rendez-vous.”.

Which means that we found yet another place which was not covered by any test.

The solution itself was easy: uses the event’s when_text column which usually is clickable. But (as a consequence of my fiddlings with the user roles) the OneEvent was no longer viewable for OfficeOperator.

Less easy and more interesting was how to cover this. It unvealed a subtle but fundamental problem: when rendering obj2html in a doctest snippet, there was no visible difference between clickable links and non-clickable links. The best (though not easiest) solution was to change lino.core.renderer.HtmlRenderer.action_call() to no longer return None. As an example, here is a (simplified) doctest code snippet from reception : receive clients at a reception desk before and after this change.


>>> rt.login('theresia').show(reception.AppointmentsByPartner, obj)
=========================== ================= =======================================================
 When                        Managed by        Workflow
--------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 *Thu 15/05/2014 at 09:00*   Caroline Carnol   **Accepted** → [Excused] [Absent] [Present] [Checkin]
 *Thu 22/05/2014*            Mélanie Mélard    **Waiting** → [Receive] [Checkout]
=========================== ================= =======================================================


>>> rt.login('theresia').show(reception.AppointmentsByPartner, obj)
====================================== ================= =======================================================
 When                                   Managed by        Workflow
-------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 `Thu 15/05/2014 at 09:00 <Detail>`__   Caroline Carnol   **Accepted** → [Excused] [Absent] [Present] [Checkin]
 `Thu 22/05/2014 <Detail>`__            Mélanie Mélard    **Waiting** → [Receive] [Checkout]
====================================== ================= =======================================================

This little change caused of course some failures in existing test suites, but I think that it was worth the effort.


Okay, while updating How Lino applications use I had been thinking that the following is more elegant:

from past.builtins import execfile

But it doesn’t work because it depends on the future package and is being run before dependencies are installed. So it must remain the less readable variant:

fn = 'lino_noi/'
exec(compile(open(fn, "rb").read(), fn, 'exec'))