Tuesday, June 6, 2017¶
Lino Roadmap¶
Tonis and I had a brainstorming about what is important for Lino.
Find new developers:
Find one or several students who would help Tonis. Tonis is able to mentor them.
What would be their concrete project? Make Jane better. Hamza would not get Jane but e.g. the connection to Google, or continue on the UI. Or the technical things.
Improve the developers Guide
Write documentation about Noi
Update the text at VolunteerOpportunities
Improve/upgrade the user interface
Use the new ExtJS widgets
Search for alternatives
Connection to Google
Check whether CalDAV & CardDAV are enough for connecting with Google
Google API
Upgrade technical dependencies
Travis integration
Python 3
Django 1.11
meetings are not being used for meetings but for sprints or milestones
duplicate the stars when duplicating a meeting
Remove project and topic columns in most ticket tables, ad the site column.