Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Lino Roadmap

Tonis and I had a brainstorming about what is important for Lino.

Find new developers:

  • Find one or several students who would help Tonis. Tonis is able to mentor them.

  • What would be their concrete project? Make Jane better. Hamza would not get Jane but e.g. the connection to Google, or continue on the UI. Or the technical things.

  • Improve the developers Guide

  • Write documentation about Noi

  • Update the text at VolunteerOpportunities

Improve/upgrade the user interface

  • Use the new ExtJS widgets

  • Search for alternatives

Connection to Google

  • Check whether CalDAV & CardDAV are enough for connecting with Google

  • OAuth

  • Google API

Upgrade technical dependencies

  • Travis integration

  • Python 3

  • Django 1.11


  • meetings are not being used for meetings but for sprints or milestones

  • duplicate the stars when duplicating a meeting

  • Remove project and topic columns in most ticket tables, ad the site column.