Thursday, June 8, 2017

Yesterday Tonis and I had a four hour XP session, the second one of a series which will continue today. Yesterday we learned:

  • Google does not support CalDAV, therefore we decided to abandon #1201 (Lino as a calendar server).

  • The only really end-user friendly integratad solution would be to write connectors to the leading proprietary APIs (Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft…) in order to make Lino collaborate with these systems. I am not currently willing to invest into such projects.

  • The only generic solution is therefore to work on the mobile interface.

  • Before diving into a solution based on ExtJS modern (until now we have classic), Tonis and I started to study whether the existing bootstrap ui can evolve into a usable responsive read-write UI.

Concretely we started by removing from lino_book.projects.bs3 and by reactivating the login functionality around bootstrap3/base.html. I actualy once started this a long time ago but abandoned for reasons I don’t remember in detail. At the end of the session Tonis and I agreed that it was definitively a very interesting exercise and that we would continue on this tomorrow.

With Tonis

This is what Tonis and I did today.

Lino’s authenticate method doesn’t return a User instance. Which indicates that it was a silly API and that Django is better. And anyway it is time for #1329 (Use a bit more of Django’s authentication). So we decided to dive even deeper into the bogs. Lots of code changes:

  • lino.core.auth is no longer used. We use django.contrib.auth instead.

  • Rename lino.modlib.users to lino.modlib.users in order to become more close to Django.

  • Renamed User.profile to User.user_type because (1) Django complained about it (after renaming users to auth) and (2) it had to be done some day anyway.

  • Upgraded Django 1.9.13 to 1.11.2

Unfortunately we had to do a few changes to Django. Lino master currently doesn’t work with an unpatched Django. We must present these changes tomorrow to the Django community and submit a pull request for

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('')
>>> from import *

I checked in above changes because Hamza should see them (ext6 is concerned). It is 9pm and I am ready for bed. But it is fantastic: I got inv prep to pass on all projects! Yes, the test suites are still mostly failing because we didn’t yet change “users” to “auth” in the .rst files. But that’s for tomorrow.

I added the patch required to Django 1.11rc1: