Wednesday, September 4, 2019

About doctree dependenceies

The doctree of the lino package now has an intersphinx link to the cg. The doctree of the book now has an intersphinx link to the doctree of the lino and xl doctrees.

The API page about lino no longer includes the long_description of the lino package because this non-technical text shouldn’t be there.

continues to be part of the book doctree because we want docstrings to be able to refer to pages of the book.

So we have the following hierarchy:

cg <– lino <– book <– blog

I changed all links to the Django docs from to

Atom doesn’t find in all files

I recently disabled the Ignore VCS excluded paths option in my Atom preferences. That activated a bug in Atom, as it now turns out. I can confirm the following bug:

logrotate error: duplicate log entry for /var/log/apache2/access.log

This was caused by multiple logrotate configuration files for apache in /etc/logrotate.d: apache2, and apache2.dpkg-dist. The was a copy of apache2 I obviously created accidentally on 20190721.

The apache2.dpkg-dist has been created as a backup copy by some Debian upgrade. Theoretically it should be ignored by logrotate, as seen here.

Our version of the apache logrotate config differs slightly from what the Debian package maintainers would suggest. We can ignore this since we are migrating from apache to nginx on our production servers.

Tidy 5.2 cleaned up curly quotes but 5.6 doesn’t

Continued research for #3188.

One thing I can do now that the issue is reported to the tidy team: Make a release of Lino Extensions Library and try whether this was the only case. (I might switch their preview site to use a development version of XL, but doing a PyPI release seems even easier at least if I am lucky and there is no other such problem). and it seems that I am lucky. Though here is the next problem.

‘AttributesImpl’ object has no attribute ‘has_key’

There is yet another 2to3 bug in appy:

AttributeError: Problem installing fixture '/usr/local/lino/lino_local/a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lino_xl/lib/excerpts/fixtures/': 'AttributesImpl' object has no attribute 'has_key'

I manually patched line 155 of file site-packages/appy/pod/

#elif (elem == 'text:list-item') and attrs.has_key('text:start-value'):
elif (elem == 'text:list-item') and 'text:start-value' in attrs:

I notified Gaetan who quickly fixed it and checked it in to master.

New Tidy saying “Info: <tbody> previously mentioned”

Here we go for yet another error probably caused by the new tidy version: “Error while evaluating the expression “html(body)” defined in the “from” part of a statement.”

I tried to reproduce the error from the command line:

$ echo "<table><tbody>foo</tbody></table>" | tidy
line 1 column 1 - Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration
line 1 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <body>
line 1 column 15 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 1 column 8 - Info: <tbody> previously mentioned
line 1 column 1 - Warning: inserting missing 'title' element
line 1 column 8 - Warning: trimming empty <tbody>
line 1 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <table>
Info: Document content looks like HTML5
Tidy found 6 warnings and 0 errors!

No difference between the old and the new tidy. So why then does appy believe now that there is an error? To be sure, I tried it with the full HTML fragment and the options used by Lino:

$ echo '\n<p class="OurRef">\n\nU. Zeichen: /213/68\n\n</p>\n\n\n<h1>Aktionsplan</h1>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<p>\n\n<table><tbody>Keine Daten anzuzeigen</tbody></table>\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIhr Ansprechpartner:: \n<p>Mélanie Mélard</p>\n\n\n\n' | tidy --doctype omit --show-warnings 0 --indent 0 --output-xhtml 1

Nope. Stopping here for this time…

EDIT: Actually this was another facet of #3188.

How big is Lino?

Gaetan asked how many code lines Lino has… The lino.utils.code doesn’t really help since it looks only at imported modules. But I used pygount to find the answer:

$ pip install pygount
$ cd ~/work
$ pygount lino xl book --suffix=py --format=cloc-xml > pygount-cloc.xml

The resulting xml file says:

<total blank="25907" code="116647" comment="36299"/>

Or when I add some of the more important Lino applications:

$ pygount lino xl book noi welfare avanti tera voga --suffix=py --format=cloc-xml > pygount-cloc.xml

<total blank="34754" code="152450" comment="47894"/>

152K lines of code, is this big? For Django pygount says 76498 lines of code, so Lino is about twice as big as Django…