Friday, September 13, 2019

Using getlino to install the next Avanti Lino

I continued to install Lino Avanti on their new server.

For this I had to release XL (Exception: has no attribute with_language_history).

Some problems in getlino

I noticed that getlino startsite failed to create the script.

I opened #3199 because I observed some issues with getlino startsite:

Installing certbot

Oops, when using getlino configure --https, it installs certbot, but I get an error message:

Installation succeeded.
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Missing command line flags. For non-interactive execution, you will need to specify a plugin on the command line.  Run with '--help plugins' to see a list of options, and see for more detail on what the plugins do and how to use them.
Error: certbot-auto -n ended with return code 1

Indeed, when I manually run certbot-auto -n I get the same error message.


The timtools project is not yet converted to Python 3. I don’t plan do convert it now because that might cause some work, and until now there is no reason to do it. But the in that project caused problems when building my blog under Python 3.

Cannot use VAT regime {} for partner without VAT id

#3183. : When entering the vat_regime of a provider or customer with empty vat_id, Lino did not show regimes having needs_vat_id set. This was irritating because users who didn’t know about this subtle rule had no chance to understand why. Lino now shows these regimes also when there is no VAT id, but complains Cannot use VAT regime X for partner without VAT id when you try to save a document for that regime and that partner.

I pushed these changes without waiting the results of my local test run.