Friday, September 27, 2019

Cannot print accounting report in cosi-ee demo

lino.modlib.users.UserPlan.create_user_plan() didn’t like it when it found more than one instances of a plan for a given user. In lino_book.projects.cosi_ee it said MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Report -- it returned 2! Now it simply deletes them all in that case. This should fix #3232.

But it doesn’t yet. Because the reports cannot be deleted. It says:

AjaxExceptionResponse ProtectedError: ("Cannot delete some instances of model
'Report' because they are referenced through a protected foreign key:
''", <QuerySet [AccountEntry #1 ('AccountEntry object
(1)'), AccountEntry #2 ('AccountEntry object (2)'), AccountEntry #3
('AccountEntry object (3)'), AccountEntry #4 ('AccountEntry object (4)'),
AccountEntry #5 ('AccountEntry object (5)'), AccountEntry #6 ('AccountEntry
object (6)'), AccountEntry #7 ('AccountEntry object (7)'), AccountEntry #8
('AccountEntry object (8)'), AccountEntry #9 ('AccountEntry object (9)'),
AccountEntry #10 ('AccountEntry object (10)'), AccountEntry #11 ('AccountEntry
object (11)'), AccountEntry #12 ('AccountEntry object (12)'), AccountEntry #13
('AccountEntry object (13)'), AccountEntry #14 ('AccountEntry object (14)'),
AccountEntry #15 ('AccountEntry object (15)'), AccountEntry #16 ('AccountEntry
object (16)'), AccountEntry #17 ('AccountEntry object (17)'), AccountEntry #18
('AccountEntry object (18)'), AccountEntry #19 ('AccountEntry object (19)'),
AccountEntry #20 ('AccountEntry object (20)'), '...(remaining elements

Indeed the allow_cascaded_delete of the report items weren’t set correctly! For PartnerEntry it was ['partner'], for ItemEntry it was ['item'] and for AccountEntry it was ['account']. This was plain bullshit. When you inadvertently try to delete a partner who is mentioned in an accounting report, you want Lino to refuse your action (not to remove the entry from the report).

TODO: So from now on it might happen that deleting a partner or an account is being refused because some old accounting report exists. This might disturb because Lino doesn’t currently tidy up these reports after some time. A site manager can however go to Explorer ‣ Accounting ‣ Accounting reports and delete them manually.

There is maybe yet another bug in lino_xl.lib.sheets : #3233. Less urgent.

Another screencast about Lino

I published my second screencast about Lino on YouTube: Lino Così, das kleine Buchhaltungsprogramm. This second one is a replacement for the first one which I published yesterday. You can also see at least one demo effect. Yes, sorry, it’s in German. After all that’s the easiest language in the world for me…

Thanks to vokoscreen (“apt install vokoscreen”) for a libre and easy-to-operate screencast recorder.