Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Watch Luc working : my second screencast for developers

Today once more I recorded myself while working. This is my second developer screencast and it’s called “Luc working on #3284”. It has three parts so far: part 1 / part 2 / part 3. It is about 2 hours of watch.

Here is what I did in that series of screncasts:

I did #3284 : Lino Noi now uses lino_xl.lib.groups. Actually a new plugin lino_noi.lib.groups (an extension of lino_xl.lib.groups) which extends Group to add a user field (the “team manager”). It also changes the verbose name “Group” to “Team”. Added a field and adapted the get_notifications_owner method of to return the group of the site instead of the site.

The demo fixture of lino_xl.lib.groups now adds first names for every user because otherwise Lino complains when users.Users inherits from contacts.Person

In lino_xl.lib.groups the Membership.user field is now labeled “User” instead of “Author”, and the model now has a detail layout and an insert layout (e.g. MembersByGroup now has a insert button)

502 Bad Gateway responding to GET with long URL

I opened #3293 which occurs only on an nginx server.

>>> s = ""
>>> print(len(s))

I read this and similar threads, tried to change some parameters in /etc/nginx/sites-available/site1.conf but no success so far.