Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I fixed #3765 and did some changes in How to set up a backup server for snapshots and Mirroring a Lino site.

I tried the insipid Sphinx theme. Looks even nicer than RTD. I switched the Human World project to it.

‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get_layout_handle’

I fixed #3766. This was a quite blocking bug: it was not possible to edit any combobox field in the My Settings form. The issue occurred only here because Users is abstract and nevertheless has parameters defined. I added test cases to cover this in users : user management and reception : receive clients at a reception desk.

There is an internal rule that when parameters is None, params_layout is also None and no functionality related to parameters is used. This rule was not satisfied here. It is not satisfied because Users is abstract. Interesting to note that the Ajax call requests /Users/, not /AllUsers/ or /MySettings/ or some other non-abstract table name. That’s because none of the non-abstract subclasses of Users adds anything to the question “which choices do we have for field User.coaching_type?”. That’s why all fields use the same Ajax call. The problem occurred also for User.partner or User.user_type.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> lh = users.AllUsers.get_detail_layout()
>>> lh.layout._datasource
>>> lh.get_data_elem('coaching_type')
<django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: coaching_type>
>>> show_choices('romain', '/choices/users/Users/coaching_type')
Médiation de dettes

Internal side effect: Lino now supports action requests on an abstract actor. Such requests are of course limited, but we need them e.g. in above case.

I did not remove the exception “has a params_layout but no parameters” e.g. ledger.ByJournal is just a mixin but provides a default value for its children

Note also the special case lino_xl.lib.accounting.ByJournal. This is a table mixin. It is not explicitly marked as abstract by the application developer. That’s okay because a data table is automatically considered abstract when it has no model.

Make Lino applications use Django the user model

Until now I was still assuming that “Django’s approach provides no means for defining instance-specific permissions.” I now saw that this is no longer true. So think once more about whether we should support Lino applications that use the standard django.contrib.auth plugin instead of lino.modlib.users. The main obstacle is the fundamentally different permission system. But there is a solution for it. Probably even several solutions. One of them would be to add an attribute lino.core.actions.Action.required_permissions and to have the std fixture generate one Django user group for each user type in Lino.

I reviewed Lino has its own user management.