Wednesday, October 21, 2020

About the Lets Tutorial

In the lets repository we have four public branches (master, step2, step3 and step4) to express the four versions used in the tutorial. And this number is likely to increase in the future. Now here is an interesting challenge:

I saw that the file in the docs had an obsolete way of defining intersphinx_mapping. The “modern” way to do it is:

interproject.configure(globals(), 'atelier lino_lets')
intersphinx_mapping['cg'] = ('', None)
intersphinx_mapping['book'] = ('', None)

This change is not meaningful for the tutorial reader, we don’t want to bother a new Lino user with this. For the reader (when they run a git diff master to see what has changed) everything should look as if that change had always been there.

It is a kind of changing history after the fact.

I did this change manually in all four steps of the tutorial. That was a bit stupid… but I didn’t find a better way.

The same case is for the .gitlab-ci.yml file: I added it in master, but I would like that this same file exists in the other steps as well.

Answer: that’s a use case for the git cherry-pick.


  • I noted yet another problem related to the lets tutorial: the book test suite depends on it, but the book doesn’t yet specify that dependency. And also: which branch should be activated in lets when the book tests run? At the moment it seems that they pass only with step4.

  • Should we add lino_lets to the known repositories in getlino? is again slow

When I run ps -o pid,user,%mem,command ax, I can see that indeed the three Lino sites (3 to 4 processes for each) were using up more than 80% of the available memory.

When I stop supervisor, the server runs like a charm.

Should we switch to Apache? Probably not:

Maybe reduce the sites to a single worker process?

Yes, that worked! And I tried to delete an invoice (which causes a callback )

Do the demo sites need a linod process? Hannes, please read the docs about it. If the a re not understandable to you, then we know that it is poorly documented.