Monday, April 12, 2021

Unified Sphinx theme for all websites of the Lino framework

I continued to work on #4101, which is actually just a part of #4085. Calling lino.sphinxcontrib.configure() in a Sphinx file now uses the insipid theme instead of the pydata_sphinx_theme.

Move from GitHub to GitLab

Here is my cheat sheet for moving the next repositories from GH to GL.

Change the remote and push to the new upstream:

$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u master

Add a .gitlab-ci.yml file (copy from a repo that is already on GL):

$ cp ../cosi/.gitlab-ci.yml .
$ git add .gitlab-ci.yml

Update URLs in the Run inv bd to update the README.rst file. Then push your first changes on GitLab:

$ git ci -am "moved from GitHub to GitLab"
$ git push

Visit the GitLab project page on and change visibility from “private” to “public”. (This can’t be done using the CLI:

Go to and use the GitHub web UI to add a warning to the README.rst file:

Warning: This repository has moved to

And then tell GitLab to archive the repository.


  • Update the known repositories in getlino.utils.

  • Run pp -l and check the project urls.

  • Release to PyPI.

Done for the following repositories: lino, xl, noi, cosi, voga, avanti, welfare, weleup, welcht