Thursday, May 12, 2022

Optimizations for points of sale

Sharif and I had a brainstorming session about new optimizations to do in Lino Così for a friend who has a small shop.

  • Create a new data table “Sales note”. Move most of the fields in the General tab to the More tab. Only the field “payment method” and one more field “received cash” and a virtual field “cash to return”.

  • Possibility to quickly start a delivery note, even without specifying a customer: Configure a default partner “Miscellaneous” (to be created by the demo fixture) only when invoicing.delivery_notes_demo is True. In SDN journal, set Journal.partner to this partner.

  • Add a quick link [start new sale] that creates an Invoice record and then shows the detail.

  • Every POS (point of sale) will have its own journal of delivery notes.

  • Add a new field “received cash” and a virtual field “cash to return”. Used when registering cash amounts.

  • Add a new toolbar button for registering.

  • About printing: we don’t want to open a pdf document here. Each printer would be declared as a network printer.

  • Solution for shop that is operated via a mobile device.

Don’t start these alone:

  • New action to register when cash money was taken from the cash box in order to buy a coffee or to pay a provider (potentially clearing a purchase invoice)

  • Quick link “Daily report” prints cash in the morning, details of sales, total amount of cash in the evening. Maybe this will be a new voucher type “CashReport”, with a field “How much money has been taken out of the cash box to “

How to update the total amount after each row? New concept of “master data” : when I submit some row of an invoice, Lino could return additional data in its response, which would be some changed values in the master instance.

On the InvoiceItem model we would have the following application code:

master_data_fields = "total_incl total_base"

def get_master_data(self, ar):
  return super().get_master_data(ar)

The default implementation in core.model.Model would be:

def get_master_data(self, ar):
  rv = {}
  for mdf in self.master_data_fields:
    rv[mdf]  = getattr(ar.master_instance, mdf)
  return rv

When a model has master data fields, any submit to a ui change in a row of this model will also return an additional item “master_data”:

master_data: {"total_incl": "...", "total_base": ...}

Code changes

I moved the table definitions in to a separate module. Because things were getting messy in a single module.

I replaced the print_items_table class attribute on the VatProductInvoice model by a new plugin setting sales.print_items_table. This feature is used in Lino Voga.

I thought that instead of specifying invoicing.voucher_model the app dev would now have to specify invoicing.default_voucher_view, but that idea caused complexity when resolving the name.

I fixed a subtle double bug that became visible because now we a demo customer in Bangladesh, and because the sample IBANS in lino_xl.lib.sepa.fixtures.sample_ibans don’t have any IBAN in Bangladesh. In that situation, Lino tried to create a sepa.ACcount row with an empty iban field. And in that case sepa.Account.__str__() returned None. After fixing this bug, I had another problem during pm prep ({‘iban’: [‘This field cannot be null.’]}) because Lino insisted on adding a demo SEPA account for every partner who has a country.

For some reason I didn’t investigate further, the sample IBANs in lino_book.projects.cosi3 have changed, causing doctest to fail on docs/plugins/eevat.rst.