Wednesday, July 12, 2023

I had written the following comment in Jane:

Indeed links should work because the server_uri is given as the base href of the email in the html header: <html><head><base href=”” target=”_blank”></head><body>

Ouch! This caused Jane to become unusable for a few hours of research time. What was happening? Lino now faithfully showed that <base href> tag in the Jane dashboard as part of the RecentComments story. Which caused every link to open a new window. But links in a Lino website with React look like this:

javascript:window.App.runAction({ "actorId": "tickets.Tickets", "an": "detail", "rp": null, "status": { "record_id": 5038 } })

They won’t work in an empty window. But the <base href> tag was instructing my browser to do exactly this: open a new target window for every link.

I ran the following script to find the offending comment:

from import *
for msg in comments.Comment.objects.filter(body__contains='<base'):

Output was a single line:


I wrote another script to fix the problem:

from import *
msg = comments.Comment.objects.get(id=10922)
msg.body = msg.body.replace("<head", "&lt;head")
msg.body = msg.body.replace("<base", "&lt;base")

The only problem was that it didn’t fix the problem…

>>> from lino_book.projects.noi1e.startup import *

But why doesn’t the body_short_preview field get adapted? To understand this, I used the following doctest on my machine:

>>> msg = comments.Comment()
>>> msg.body = """<p>foo <html><head><base href="bar" target="_blank"></head><body></p><p>baz</p>"""
>>> msg.body_short_preview    # (1)
'foo \n\nbaz\n\n'
>>> msg.body_full_preview
'<p>foo <html><head><base href="bar" target="_blank"/></head><body></body></html></p><p>baz</p>'
>>> msg.body = msg.body.replace("<head", "&lt;head")
>>> msg.body = msg.body.replace("<base", "&lt;base")
>>> msg.body_short_preview    # (2)
'foo <head><base href="bar" target="_blank">\n\nbaz\n\n'
>>> msg.body_full_preview
'<p>foo <html>&lt;head&gt;&lt;base href="bar" target="_blank"&gt;<body></body></html></p><p>baz</p>'
>>> msg.delete()  # tidy up


(1) Where has the end tag (“</head>”) gone? Answer: the memo parser removed it when parsing the text via BeautifulSoup:

>>> txt = "foo &lt;head>bar</head> baz"
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, 'html.parser')
>>> str(soup)
'foo &lt;head&gt;bar baz'

(2) Why does the full “<head>” reappear in the short preview? Because during parse it was escaped and therefore wasn’t recognized as a HTML tag. And because the short preview (currently, wrongly) contains the rendered un-escaped HTML.

The wrong behaviour is in truncate_comment()

>>> from lino.modlib.memo.mixins import truncate_comment
>>> settings.SITE.plugins.memo.short_preview_length
>>> txt = "<p>foo &lt;head>bar</head> baz</p>"
>>> settings.SITE.plugins.memo.parser.parse(txt)
'<p>foo &lt;head&gt;bar baz</p>'
>>> truncate_comment(txt)
'foo <head>bar baz\n\n'

The short and long preview field are expected to contain safe HTML content, and bleach is responsible for removing any unsafe content. But truncate_comment() resolves html entities and therefore potentially converts safe html into unsafe html.

>>> truncate_comment("<p>foo &lt;head>bar</head> baz</p>")
'foo <head>bar baz\n\n'

Another topic

Note that lino.modlib.notify.Message.send_summary_emails() makes a special action request with permalink_uris set to True when rendering the notification body:

ar = rt.login(renderer=dd.plugins.memo.front_end.renderer, permalink_uris=True)

Old stuff:

>>> msg = comments.Comment(body="foo <head>bar</head> baz")
>>> msg.body
'foo <head>bar</head> baz'
>>> msg.body_short_preview
'foo <head>bar</head> baz'
>>> msg.body = msg.body.replace("<head", "&lt;head")
>>> msg.body
'foo &lt;head>bar</head> baz'
>>> msg.body_short_preview
'foo &lt;head&gt;bar baz'
>>> txt = "<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing."
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, "html.parser")
>>> list(soup.descendants)
[<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.</p>, 'A ', <b>bold</b>, 'bold', ' and ', <i>italic</i>, 'italic', ' thing.']
>>> soup.p.text
'A bold and italic thing.'
>>> soup.p.string
>>> soup.b.text
>>> soup.b.string
>>> list(soup.p.strings)
['A ', 'bold', ' and ', 'italic', ' thing.']
>>> list(soup.strings)
['A ', 'bold', ' and ', 'italic', ' thing.']
>>> list(soup.p.children)
['A ', <b>bold</b>, ' and ', <i>italic</i>, ' thing.']
>>> list(soup.children)
[<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.</p>]
>>> [ for c in soup.p.children]
[None, 'b', None, 'i', None]
>>> [ for c in soup.children]

Modifying the content:

>>> str(soup.b)
>>> soup.b.string = soup.b.string[:2]
>>> str(soup.b)
>>> soup.b.string = 'very bold'
>>> str(soup.b)
'<b>very bold</b>'
>>> str(soup)
'<p>A <b>very bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.</p>'
>>> from lino.modlib.memo.mixins import truncate_comment as tc
>>> tc("<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.")
'A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.\n\n'
>>> tc("<p>A plain paragraph with more than 20 characters.</p>", 20)
'A plain paragraph wi...'