Wednesday, July 12, 2023¶
I had written the following comment in Jane:
Indeed links should work because the server_uri is given as the base href of the email in the html header: <html><head><base href=”” target=”_blank”></head><body>
Ouch! This caused Jane to become unusable for a few hours of research time. What
was happening? Lino now faithfully showed that <base href>
tag in the Jane
dashboard as part of the RecentComments
story. Which caused every link
to open a new window. But links in a Lino website with React look like this:
javascript:window.App.runAction({ "actorId": "tickets.Tickets", "an": "detail", "rp": null, "status": { "record_id": 5038 } })
They won’t work in an empty window. But the <base href>
tag was instructing
my browser to do exactly this: open a new target window for every link.
I ran the following script to find the offending comment:
from import *
for msg in comments.Comment.objects.filter(body__contains='<base'):
Output was a single line:
I wrote another script to fix the problem:
from import *
msg = comments.Comment.objects.get(id=10922)
msg.body = msg.body.replace("<head", "<head")
msg.body = msg.body.replace("<base", "<base")
The only problem was that it didn’t fix the problem…
>>> from lino_book.projects.noi1e.startup import *
But why doesn’t the body_short_preview
field get adapted? To understand
this, I used the following doctest on my machine:
>>> msg = comments.Comment()
>>> msg.body = """<p>foo <html><head><base href="bar" target="_blank"></head><body></p><p>baz</p>"""
>>> msg.body_short_preview # (1)
'foo \n\nbaz\n\n'
>>> msg.body_full_preview
'<p>foo <html><head><base href="bar" target="_blank"/></head><body></body></html></p><p>baz</p>'
>>> msg.body = msg.body.replace("<head", "<head")
>>> msg.body = msg.body.replace("<base", "<base")
>>> msg.body_short_preview # (2)
'foo <head><base href="bar" target="_blank">\n\nbaz\n\n'
>>> msg.body_full_preview
'<p>foo <html><head><base href="bar" target="_blank"><body></body></html></p><p>baz</p>'
>>> msg.delete() # tidy up
(1) Where has the end tag (“</head>”) gone? Answer: the memo parser removed it when parsing the text via BeautifulSoup:
>>> txt = "foo <head>bar</head> baz"
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, 'html.parser')
>>> str(soup)
'foo <head>bar baz'
(2) Why does the full “<head>” reappear in the short preview? Because during parse it was escaped and therefore wasn’t recognized as a HTML tag. And because the short preview (currently, wrongly) contains the rendered un-escaped HTML.
The wrong behaviour is in truncate_comment()
>>> from lino.modlib.memo.mixins import truncate_comment
>>> settings.SITE.plugins.memo.short_preview_length
>>> txt = "<p>foo <head>bar</head> baz</p>"
>>> settings.SITE.plugins.memo.parser.parse(txt)
'<p>foo <head>bar baz</p>'
>>> truncate_comment(txt)
'foo <head>bar baz\n\n'
The short and long preview field are expected to contain safe HTML content, and
bleach is responsible for removing any unsafe content. But
resolves html entities and therefore potentially
converts safe html into unsafe html.
>>> truncate_comment("<p>foo <head>bar</head> baz</p>")
'foo <head>bar baz\n\n'
Another topic¶
Note that lino.modlib.notify.Message.send_summary_emails()
makes a special
action request with permalink_uris set to True when rendering the
notification body:
ar = rt.login(renderer=dd.plugins.memo.front_end.renderer, permalink_uris=True)
Old stuff:
>>> msg = comments.Comment(body="foo <head>bar</head> baz")
>>> msg.body
'foo <head>bar</head> baz'
>>> msg.body_short_preview
'foo <head>bar</head> baz'
>>> msg.body = msg.body.replace("<head", "<head")
>>> msg.body
'foo <head>bar</head> baz'
>>> msg.body_short_preview
'foo <head>bar baz'
>>> txt = "<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing."
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, "html.parser")
>>> list(soup.descendants)
[<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.</p>, 'A ', <b>bold</b>, 'bold', ' and ', <i>italic</i>, 'italic', ' thing.']
>>> soup.p.text
'A bold and italic thing.'
>>> soup.p.string
>>> soup.b.text
>>> soup.b.string
>>> list(soup.p.strings)
['A ', 'bold', ' and ', 'italic', ' thing.']
>>> list(soup.strings)
['A ', 'bold', ' and ', 'italic', ' thing.']
>>> list(soup.p.children)
['A ', <b>bold</b>, ' and ', <i>italic</i>, ' thing.']
>>> list(soup.children)
[<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.</p>]
>>> [ for c in soup.p.children]
[None, 'b', None, 'i', None]
>>> [ for c in soup.children]
Modifying the content:
>>> str(soup.b)
>>> soup.b.string = soup.b.string[:2]
>>> str(soup.b)
>>> soup.b.string = 'very bold'
>>> str(soup.b)
'<b>very bold</b>'
>>> str(soup)
'<p>A <b>very bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.</p>'
>>> from lino.modlib.memo.mixins import truncate_comment as tc
>>> tc("<p>A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.")
'A <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> thing.\n\n'
>>> tc("<p>A plain paragraph with more than 20 characters.</p>", 20)
'A plain paragraph wi...'