A new Lino: Lino Prima¶
Monday, September 30, 2024
Note: This page is obsolete and unmaintained. You probably prefer to read the up-to-date article in Lino Prima User’s Guide.
Lino Prima is for storing evaluation results and printing certificates in a primary school.
Manage evaluation results and certificates in a primary school
Existing plugins: users
Database models in the prima
Teacher and Pupil are just types of users
Year: A period of time, usually lasting from September to June Examples: 23-24, 24-25
Periods: P1 and P2
Group (Klasse): A group of ↗pupils who work together for a given ↗year, following a given ↗course. Examples: 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, …
Enrolment (Einschreibung): when a given ↗pupil is member of a given ↗group. Fields: ↗pupil, ↗group.
Role (Lehrerrolle): a specific role to be assumed by a teacher in a group. Examples: Klassenleiter, Sportlehrer,…
Cast (Rollenbelegung) : when a given ↗teacher assumes a given ↗role in a given ↗group. Fields: ↗teacher, ↗group, ↗role
Subject (Unterrichtsfach). Fields: name, ☑complex Examples: Wissenschaften, Kunst, Musik, Sport, Schriftbild, Heimatkunde/Sachkunde, Französisch, Mathematik, Religion, Deutsch
Every subject has a set of ↗skills. “complex” means a complex schema for evaluations using ↗skills, ↗blocks and ↗tests
Vintage (Jahrgang): 1, 2, … 6
Skill (Hauptkompetenz): a subdivision of a ↗subject. Fields: name, ↗subject Examples: Deutsch:Schreiben, Deutsch:Lesen, Mathematik:Arithmetik
Block (Baustein): a subdivision of a ↗skill. Fields: name, ref, ↗subject, ↗skill, ↗color, ↗vintage Examples: Erlebnisse spannend erzählen (Erle), Rund um Tiere (Tier), Berichten (Ber), Geschichten aus dem Leben erzählen (Leb)
Course (Kursus): a set of ↗subjects and ↗skills to be taught to a number of ↗pupils. Fields : name, ↗vintage. Examples: 1. Schuljahr, 2. Schuljahr, …
Probe: A test that has been made in a given group of pupils Fields: name, ↗group, ↗period, ↗subject
Each probe has a list of “skill probes”
SkillProbe (Leistung): when a given ↗skill is being measured during a given ↗probe
Fields: ↗probe, ↗skill, max_rating (Höchstpunktzahl)
Evaluation (Bewertung)
Certificate (Zeugnis)