Friday, December 20, 2024

Today I continued to work on Ticket #5670 (Support e-invoices using PEPPOL).

I decided to play with the source code of the peppol-py package. Thanks for publishing your work, Anders Rune Jensen!

Is it possible that my customers can (and must) become an “access point” of the Peppol network? So that I just need to install them something like this script? And when they register a sales invoice in TIM, TIM would call this script, which would connect to the Peppol network and say “Hello, here I have a new invoice”.

Before I actually started playing, I worked on the topic page Peppol support (eInvoicing) in Lino, trying to get a more or less satisfying understanding of PEPPOL into my little brain. And I got quickly lost.

For example the first sentence of the file says that it is a “python implementation for sending peppol eDelivery AS4 documents”. So I wanted to know what this AS4 actually means. On I found found the following definition:

In short, AS4 is used in the Peppol network for transmission of asynchronous messages between corner 2 and corner 3 in a Four Corner Topology using the Peppol PKI for signature and encryption on AS4 message level and SMP/SML for dynamic discovery.

Did you understand anything? I didn’t. This is a good example of why I need my own definitions… Surf, surf, okay, everybody except me seems to know what this “AS4” stands for, but let’s not get stuck any longer because of this. Let’s have a look at this source code instead.

The main script wants at least two arguments: a --filename (I guess that this should be the XML file of the invoice) and a --receiver (which is then referred to as their_id). And what does it do with this receiver?

I copied and into a file (see below) in order to play with it.

The README gives an example “9922:NGTBCNTRLP1001” for the --receiver argument, and I guess that 9922 is an EAS code (meaning “Andorra VAT number”). For my tests I’d rather use 9931 (Estonia VAT number) and our own VAT number, which is EE100588749.

Here is my playground script

import hashlib
from lxml import etree
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse

# copied from
# SML: receiver -> domain (DNS)

def get_domain_using_http(receiver, test):
    smp_id = 'B-' + hashlib.md5((receiver.lower()).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
    return f'{smp_id}.iso6523-actorid-upis.{get_server(test)}'

def get_server(test):
    if test:
        return ''
        return ''

# copied from
# SMP: domain + path -> xml with service descriptions

def get_smp_info(domain, receiver):
    # all the available interfaces (invoice, credit note etc.)
    url = 'http://' + domain + "/iso6523-actorid-upis::" + receiver
    print(f"request from url {url}")
    contents = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
    return contents

invoice_end = urllib.parse.quote("billing:3.0::2.1")

def find_invoice_smp_document(smp_contents):
    root = etree.fromstring(smp_contents)
    for child in root:
        for el in child:
            if el.get('href').endswith(invoice_end):
                return el.get('href')

def extract_as4_information(smp_contents):
    invoice_url = find_invoice_smp_document(smp_contents)
    invoice_smp = urllib.request.urlopen(invoice_url).read()
    root = etree.fromstring(invoice_smp)
    #id = root.findall(".//{*}ParticipantIdentifier")[0].text
    as4_endpoint = root.findall(".//{*}EndpointReference")[0][0].text
    certificate = root.findall(".//{*}Certificate")[0].text
    return [as4_endpoint, certificate]

their_id = "9931:EE100588749"  # Rumma & Ko OÜ
test = True

smp_domain = get_domain_using_http(their_id, test)
print(f"smp_domain is {smp_domain}")
smp_contents = get_smp_info(smp_domain, their_id)
url, their_cert = extract_as4_information(smp_contents)
print(url, their_cert)

#their_certfile = '/tmp/their-cert.pem'
#with open(their_certfile, 'w') as f:
#    f.write('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' + their_cert + '\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----')

Here is the output of my script:

smp_domain is
request from url
Traceback (most recent call last):
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

So basically it builds a URL that requests from but gets an error “Name or service not known” as response.

That server ( seems to exist (at least it has an IP address) but doesn’t answer to ping:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
109 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 110629ms

I must be missing something.

I guess that the --receiver is not my customer (the receiver of the invoice) but a certified “Service Metadata Publisher” (SMP). To become an SMP they need to join OpenPeppol AISBL. That’s definitively not something my customers will do.

So these SMPs or APs are certified by Beppol authorities. Every country has a PEPPOL authority. For Belgium it is BOSA:

And now I see that Hermes is back! I thought that it had vanished!

And my customers in Belgium can probably sign in to Hermes:

Next step then is to explore Hermes with my customers and find out how Lino can upload their XML invoices to it.