20130513 (Monday, 13 May 2013)

At least one bug is in Lino 1.6.7 which had passed the unit test suite: all users except system administrators were unable to show the detail of a welfare.pcsw.Client (they got a “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function” message in their Javascript console instead).

The bug was in lino.ui.elems where in one place I must now take into account that Actor.get_view_permission no longer calls the actor’s default action’s get_view_permission method, but instead this is done by lino.core.actors.BoundAction.get_view_permission().

Fixed that bug. Checkin. Manually applied the change on the production site so that users can work.

The more interesting thing is: how can I avoid that this kind of bugs slips through the nets of my unit test suite? It is time to (re)start using PhantomJS.

A simple sudo aptitude install phantomjs wasn’t enough because it installs an obsolete version of phantomjs which showed an error message “Unknown module system for require()”. But downloading the newest version directy from the project homepage was easy.

The existing files from my earlier tests are /lino/media/phantomjs/screenshooter.js and /welfare/docs/make_screenshoots.js. Part of them was reusable, but they basically get replaced by the new lino.utils.screenshots module. Because unlike when I wrote them I now see more clearly how to integrate them into the general documentation and testing framework.