Continued with pp2lino.

The lino.mixins.ProjectRelated mixin was added to lino_xl.lib.cal.Event and lino_xl.lib.cal.Task only in lino.apps.dsbe.models. Now that’s done already in the modlib, and they are no longer are abstract there. Seems more practical.

If something went wrong while loading data using lino.utils.dpy.Deserializer, it now gives more useful information:

INFO Saved 3711 instances from /var/snapshots/lino/lino/apps/dsbe/fixtures/pp2lino.py.
INFO Trying again with 12128 unsaved instances.
INFO Deferred Event #4 (u'Event #4') : {'start_time': [u'Saisissez une heure valide au format HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]].']}
INFO Deferred Event #4491 (u'Event #4491') : {'start_date': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.']}
INFO Deferred Event #269 (u'Event #269') : (1048, "Column 'created' cannot be null")
INFO Deferred Event #3040 (u'Event #3040') : {'start_time': [u'Saisissez une heure valide au format HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]].
'], 'start_date': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.']}
INFO Saved 0 instances.
Problem installing fixture '/var/snapshots/lino/lino/apps/dsbe/fixtures/pp2lino.py': Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/snapshots/django/django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", line 175, in handle
    for obj in objects:
  File "/var/snapshots/lino/lino/utils/dpy.py", line 383, in deserialize
    raise Exception(msg)
Exception: Abandoning with 12128 unsaved instances from /var/snapshots/lino/lino/apps/dsbe/fixtures/pp2lino.py:
- cal.Event {'start_time': [u'Saisissez une heure valide au format HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]].']} (11801 object(s), e.g. Event(id=4,project=1169L,must_build=True,calendar=1L,start_date=datetime.date(2006, 1,24),start_time=u'1899-12-30',type=2L))
- cal.Event {'start_date': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.']} (62 object(s), e.g. Event(id=4491,must_build=True,calendar=1L,type=2L))
- cal.Event (1048, "Column 'created' cannot be null") (264 object(s), e.g. Event(id=269,modified=datetime.datetime(2011,9, 13, 10, 7, 39,602653),project=1374L,must_build=True,calendar=1L, start_date=datetime.date(2006, 3, 27),type=6L))
- cal.Event {'start_time': [u'Saisissez une heure valide au format HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]].'], 'start_date': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.']} (1 object(s), e.g. Event(id=3040,project=1503L,must_build=True,calendar=1L,start_time=u'1899-12-30',type=3L))
INFO Lino initdb done ('std', 'all_countries', 'pp2lino') on database mysite.

That is, instead of issuing 12128 error messages, it now groups them by model and message and shows only the fist message of each group. In the above case the 12128 messages were reduced to 4.