Internationalized welcome pages

I started to write translations for the index and admin pages provided by lino.modlib.pages.dummy.

Fixed a bug about attribution of the help_text. MenuItem now has a help_text attribute. The help_text displayed for Site ‣ About was wrongly “Shows this record in a Detail window”, (coming from ShowDetailAction).

Added more translations.

Result: the anonymous welcome page at http://demo4.lino-framework.org/ now works in en, de and fr using the browser’s language preferences.

Role inheritance

I was invited by Alexandru Lemnaru to participate in a survey Framework Study (A study on Open-Source Framework Usage) for his thesis research for the University of Lethbridge Masters of Science in Management (Information Systems) program.

Some of the questions:

  • Updating the framework while keeping compatibility with previous instances of the framework was easy.

  • Adding new functionality to the framework was easy.

  • The framework used small components instead of large ones.

  • The framework provided automatic documentation for its functions.

  • The framework interfaces were role oriented.

  • The framework used role inheritance to pass down information.

  • The framework was easily scalable based on application requirements.

  • The framework interfaces were separated from its components.

  • Debugging the framework was easy.

  • The framework used delegation to require specific functions from child components.

  • The framework used automatic configuration to help with its configuration.

  • The framework rarely failed.

  • People who are important to me thought I should use the framework.

  • The framework handled failures well if or when they occurred.

  • Overall, the framework was easy to use.

  • I believed that the framework was mature.

  • I found it was easy for me to become skillful at using the framework.

  • Coworkers thought I should use the framework.

  • People in the online community thought I should use the framework.

  • Overall, I believe the framework was useful.

  • People in the IT community in my area thought I should use the framework.

  • I believe that using the framework increased my effectiveness.

  • I believe that using the framework increased my productivity.

  • People who influence my behavior thought I should use the framework.

  • Learning to use the framework was easy for me.

  • Assuming I were to develop the same project, I would still use this framework.

  • Assuming I were to develop other applications of this type, I would continue using the framework.

  • Assuming I were to develop other applications in the same domain, I would continue using the framework.

  • Assuming others were to develop the same project, I would recommend this framework to them.

One question made me dig a bit more: What is “role inheritance”? Yes, I had never read about the Role Class Model before. Here is more reading for me: Modeling Roles by Francis G. Mossé and Dealing with Roles by Martin Fowler. I should read these articles before making decisions about my system of UserProfiles, UserLevels and UserGroups (which already now solves many, but not all of the problems described there).