Internationalized welcome pages¶
I started to write translations for the
and admin
pages provided by
Fixed a bug about attribution of the help_text. MenuItem now has a help_text attribute. The help_text displayed for
was wrongly “Shows this record in a Detail window”, (coming from ShowDetailAction).Added more translations.
Result: the anonymous welcome page at http://demo4.lino-framework.org/ now works in en, de and fr using the browser’s language preferences.
Role inheritance¶
I was invited by Alexandru Lemnaru to participate in a survey Framework Study (A study on Open-Source Framework Usage) for his thesis research for the University of Lethbridge Masters of Science in Management (Information Systems) program.
Some of the questions:
Updating the framework while keeping compatibility with previous instances of the framework was easy.
Adding new functionality to the framework was easy.
The framework used small components instead of large ones.
The framework provided automatic documentation for its functions.
The framework interfaces were role oriented.
The framework used role inheritance to pass down information.
The framework was easily scalable based on application requirements.
The framework interfaces were separated from its components.
Debugging the framework was easy.
The framework used delegation to require specific functions from child components.
The framework used automatic configuration to help with its configuration.
The framework rarely failed.
People who are important to me thought I should use the framework.
The framework handled failures well if or when they occurred.
Overall, the framework was easy to use.
I believed that the framework was mature.
I found it was easy for me to become skillful at using the framework.
Coworkers thought I should use the framework.
People in the online community thought I should use the framework.
Overall, I believe the framework was useful.
People in the IT community in my area thought I should use the framework.
I believe that using the framework increased my effectiveness.
I believe that using the framework increased my productivity.
People who influence my behavior thought I should use the framework.
Learning to use the framework was easy for me.
Assuming I were to develop the same project, I would still use this framework.
Assuming I were to develop other applications of this type, I would continue using the framework.
Assuming I were to develop other applications in the same domain, I would continue using the framework.
Assuming others were to develop the same project, I would recommend this framework to them.
One question made me dig a bit more: What is “role inheritance”? Yes, I had never read about the Role Class Model before. Here is more reading for me: Modeling Roles by Francis G. Mossé and Dealing with Roles by Martin Fowler. I should read these articles before making decisions about my system of UserProfiles, UserLevels and UserGroups (which already now solves many, but not all of the problems described there).