20130731 (Wednesday, 31 July 2013)¶
Notizen, Lebensläufe, eID-Inhalt, Bescheinigungen und Briefe¶
Bisher plante ich den Namen “Attestations” (Bescheinigungen) für das Modul, das uns noch fehlt im Lino Welfare. Aber ich ahnte auch, dass die Benutzer diese Bezeichnung als irritierend empfinden werden.
Jetzt habe ich einen besseren Namen gefunden: “Excerpts” (Auszüge). Wobei es sich natürlich nicht um Kontoauszüge, sondern um “Auszüge aus unserer Datenbank” handelt:
An Excerpt is a printable document that makes a snapshot of the database at a given moment. Examples of excerpts in Lino Welfare are:
eID content
Simple attestations
Specialized attestations (like AMK which hold additional data)
CVs (an example of excerpt whose final document is editable)
The system administrator can define ExcerptTypes, each of which is associated to a given template.
Aber hackerzacker… warum tue ich diese “Auszüge” denn nicht einfach mit in die bestehenden Notizen rein? Genau, das scheint mir jetzt (bis auf weiteres klar: wir brauchen keine neue Tabelle “Bescheinigungen”. Die Bescheinigungen kommen mit in die “Notizen/Ereignisse” rein. Ausser die AMK, die kriegen eine eigene Tabelle. Notizen sind sozusagen “alles, was nicht anderweitig in der Datenbank erfasst wird”.
Briefe drucken¶
Ich arbeite an einer kundenspezifischen Dokumentvorlage Brief.odt, die im lokalen Ordner config/notes/Note zu stehen kommt.
New field initials in lino.modlib.users.models.User.
cal.UpdateReminders on User caused a traceback ‘TableRequest’ object has no attribute ‘ui’
New attribute
used bylino.ui.elems.ChoiceListFieldElement
. TODO: this doesn’t yet work however. Lino seems to ignore it…users.Users now has an active_fields set to
.Fixed a bug which caused an AJAX error “users.MySettings has no url action u’’ (possible values are [‘put’, ‘post’, ‘detail’, ‘update_reminders’])” after modifying an active field.
Traceback when trying to create a Posting from a Note:
File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/ui/views.py", line 113, in run_action rv = ar.bound_action.action.run_from_ui(elem,ar) File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/modlib/postings/models.py", line 179, in run_from_ui % dict(num=len(recs),elem=elem)) File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/core/requests.py", line 117, in confirm def confirm(self,*args,**kw): return settings.SITE.ui.confirm(*args,**kw) File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/ui/base.py", line 198, in confirm cb = self.callback(*msgs) File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/ui/base.py", line 225, in callback msg = msgs[0] IndexError: tuple index out of range
no longer returns an empty list when company is empty. When company is empty and contact_person not, then the related contact is a private person.Partner.address is no longer a method but a property. The method is now get_address.
Removed lino.modlib.postings from Lino-Welfare and made
. This feature is not used in Eupen and made it rather complicated to write a simple letter.Started migration method
While I was there, I did something which nobody asked for:
moved the Language model from countries to a new app
This caused amazingly little work.
TODO: Discovered an internal bug: the “Checkin” link in workflow_buttons of AppointmentsByClient doesn’t work. It tries to call Lino.reception.AppointmentsByClient.checkin(“ext-comp-1233”,1) but this causes a JavaScript error Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘checkin’.