Wednesday, September 9, 2015¶
A scrambled SEPA file¶
Working on #505.
I wrote a new demo fixture
Here is a script to be executed with pm run
which scrambles a
SEPA file of bank statements:
# usage
import sys
from import contacts
from lxml import etree
from lino.utils import Cycler
from lino_xl.lib.sepa.fixtures.sample_ibans import IBANS
PARTNERS = Cycler(contacts.Partner.objects.all())
tree = etree.parse(sys.argv[1])
for e in tree.getroot().getiterator():
if e.tag.endswith("}IBAN"):
e.text = IBANS.pop()
if e.tag.endswith("}Nm"):
e.text = PARTNERS.pop().name
print etree.tostring(tree)
What it does:
replace all IBANs by fictive IBANS from
replace all names of recipients by fictive names from a Lino demo database
AttributeError: type object ‘Model’ has no attribute ‘_meta’¶
Discovered bug #516, wrote a test case (in a new document Generic Foreign Keys), fixed the bug.