Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hamza fixed #219

Congratulations to Hamza who found a solution for #219. As expected, the solution was just one line of code, but finding the explanation required a good grasp of Lino’s internals. This bug was not easy at all. Hamza, I am glad that you joined the Lino team!

A release for Châtelet

I started to work on #554, but was interrupted because I got feedback from Mathieu for #538 which becomes urgent. They even want a release as soon as possible (#558). For #538 I will suggest two optimizations:

  • dans le panneau “Octrois d’aide” (dans l’onglet PIIS) les colonnes utiles pour vous, càd Type d’aide, Catégorie, Date de la demande.

  • Enlevé le champ “Type d’aide” dans l’onglet “Personne”.

Some quick wins

The release (#558) is scheduled for tonight. While we’re there, I try to advance some other quick wins. The first one is #547 I added a new table and modified lino_welfare.projects.chatelet.settings.Site.get_admin_main_items().

Since MyEventsToday has its own translatable label, I ran fab mm. Then I noticed that this was the first time after #520, and that both Hamza and I had forgot to transfer the translations of all these accounting modules. As long as fab mm had not run, the message database had not been updated from the source code.

Ticket #536 must wait for feedback from Eupen. I guess that they want it too (which would simplify things for us).

Mathieu started to create tickets

Congratulations to Mathieu who was the first non-developer who filed a ticket (actually two: #556 and #557) in our database. Which of course revealed that it is time to add automatic notifications. I created a new ticket #559 for this.