Sunday, December 6, 2015¶
Yet another optimization for #657: clicking a username also
fills the password field. So now even people who never read onscreen
instructions will find their way into a Lino demo application
I finished some last ideas about defining screenshot albums (#632) in Lino-Tour and Tour de Lino. I plan to soon start a similar tour for Lino Così.
When building the docs I noticed #658, which was caused by a
forgotten experimental line in Lino’s
autodoc_default_flags = ['no-imported-members']
There were other minor problems, e.g. some references to “faggio” had
not yet been changed to “voga”. Or Links like
did not work from the
Welfare Specs because of a bug in the Welfare docs
I finally started to work on #625. As expected this is still a show blocker for the Così Tour. Bugfixes. How to select multiple due movements?
A commit to lino_extjs6
is for Django 1.9 (due to
#650) where the pointed model of a ForeignKey is no longer
in but in field.rel.model.