Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What happens with Lino when Luc dies?

I opened #1095, a rather administrative ticket. The goal is to formulate an answer to the often-heard question “What happens with Lino when Luc dies?”. (No I don’t plan to die soon, but we all know that I will do it sooner or later, and we all want a Lino which is able to live without me).

Yesterday I had a chat with Alexa which confirmed the urgence of this ticket, and less than a few hours later Hamza Khchine for the first time pushed commits directly to the lino and book repositories.

I continued that direction and transferred GitHub ownership of the following repos from lsaffre to lino-framework (where Hamza Khchine has the same permissions as I):

I also renamed “lino-cosi” to “cosi”, “lino-welfare” to “welfare” and “lino-extjs6” to “extjs6”.

I changed the title of lino-framework from “Lino Framework” to “The Lino Core Team”.

I started a new document “Setting up your work environment” (now part of Run the Lino test suite) and updated some documentation pages in the community section.

I also finally wrote a Confidentiality Agreement. Thanks to IPWatchdog for providing a free sample. Such an agreement is needed if Rumma & Ko wants to grant individual freelancers access to production sites where confidential customer data is being hosted.

Setting up a work environment

I created a new virtualenv “lino” on my machine and tried the things I wrote in Run the Lino test suite. I did some changes:

  • removed ‘appy==0.9.3’ from install_requires in Lino (appy is required by XL, and the version restriction is no longer necessary.

  • removed ‘fuzzy’ from install_requires in XL

  • moved lino.modlib.print_pisa to lino_xl.lib.pisa

  • removed lino.utils.appy_pod

  • added metaphone to install_requires in Welfare (Hamza, why did you use some other repository in requirements.txt which had some warning when I tried to install it?)

  • adapted welfare/docs/specs/dupable_clients.rst because the phonetic words are slightly changed (but look okay).

  • One test in lino_book/docs/specs/dumps.rst was a little problematic because it failed with every little version change of some dependency. And of course it would never pass on both Python 2 & 3 at the same time. So I just changed pm dump2py so that it does no longer write this string as a comment of the dump files.

I wrote a bash script which I placed in my ~/repositories directory:

set -e  # exit on error
pip install -e atelier
pip install -e lino
pip install -e cd
pip install -e ee
pip install -e be
pip install -e eg
pip install -e xl
pip install -e noi
pip install -e cosi
pip install -e presto
pip install -e welfare
pip install -e patrols
pip install -e logos
pip install -e voga

This makes it easy to create a virgin virtualenv and test whether the installation works.

I adapted the of some projects

I stopped to run the test suites under Py3 when I had the following in Lino Extensions Library:

  from appy.pod.renderer import Renderer
File "/media/dell1tb/virtualenvs/lino3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/appy/", line 126
  print '%d method(s) patched from %s to %s (%s)' % \

Which shows that appy is not yet usable under Python 3. We should talk with Gaetan (author of appy) about who should do the work of porting it…