Thursday, October 20, 2016

Coping with overrich HTML

We have a new model mixin lino.mixins.bleached.Bleached, used to automatically “bleach” the content of RichTextField even before saving them to the database. This is to avoid problems like #1239, which were possible after pasting text from certain MS applications into a Lino RichTextField.

This mixin is now used by lino.modlib.comments.models.Comment (where #1239 occured).

I don’t yet dare to use it on the text fields in lino_welfare.modlib.isip and children. Because it causes the bleached fields to get permanently stripped of any tags that are not allowed. And in case this would cause problems, users would report them only when it is too late. For these fields we will need a kind of special migration which keeps track of every change so that we can eventually roll it back later.

But I do dare to use it on, which itself is used in only one production site, and AFAIK they did not yet start to use HTML descriptions.

One question was how to define the default value for this list of allowed tags? Actually Lino already has such a list, it is in the names field of lino.utils.xmlgen.html.E. I slightly changed the API for lino.utils.xmlgen.Namespace to make this data more intuitive. Note that most other subpackages of lino.utils.xmlgen are rather obsolete (except maybe lino.utils.xmlgen.intervat).

The new lino.modlib.comments.fixtures.demo fixture adds a few comments which contain such hackerish HTML.

Referring to the source code of a Python object

I added the py memo command as a solution (or at least a first draft thereof) for #943 (which we need as part of #1237).