Wednesday, November 23, 2016¶
A quick link for creating new tickets¶
I started to work on #1281, a series of optimizations for Lino Care which we discovered on Monday:
Shortcuts „neue Bitte erfassen“, „meine Einstellungen“
Mitteilung „Du hast noch keine Fähigkeiten, klicke hier“
Automatische Mitteilung per E-Mail, wenn „Wo ich helfen kann“ unleer ist.
Benachrichtungen abschalten können pro Benutzer
Feld „Thema“ ist unklar
Completely remove working hours from Lino Care
Already the first item revealed two bugs:
Bugfix: it was not possible to override the label of a quick link.
no longer callslino.core.requests.BaseRequest.window_action_button()
for generating the “Quick links” but the newlino.core.requests.BaseRequest.menu_item_button()
Bugfix: When invoking an insert action using a quick link, then the window was not editable. This required changes in
: I introduced a new class attribute default_record_id which contains the magic value -99999 for InsertFormPanel subclasses.
I also renamed the label of AllTickets from “Tickets” to “All tickets” and removed some quicklinks in Lino Care.
The controller of a notifiction message¶
On 22/11/16 14:51, Mathieu wrote:
Peux-tu enlever de la page d’accueil le panneau « Mes messages » ? Ca fait double emploi avec la réception des mails et la panneau salle d’attente.
Mathieu a absolument raison en observant que cela fait double emploi. Il faut différencier deux types de messages:
“Client X a été modifié par user Y”
“Client X t’attend dans la salle d’attente”
Le premier a besoin d’un méchanisme pour éviter d’envoyer dix mails quand un collègue fait dix petites modifications successives dans le dossier d’un bénéficiaire donné, pour le deuxième ce méchanisme n’a pas de sens.
This “mechanism” is exactly why we have the owner
should not create a “controlled” message because we don’t want that
mechanism there.
inherits from NotifyingAction
. It seems that the
normal situation is to have no controller. So I changed
return None (i.e. no longer the object on which the action was
That’s a little change, and I am trying to document what I am learning, but the notification system is still not finished. We are learning by doing here. For example User.notifyme_mode must not be a checkbox but a ChoiceList (Never, Instantly, Daily summary, Weekly summary, …)
And both daily and often email sender tasks should always run (this
should not depend on whether use_websockets
is set or not.