Thursday, December 8, 2016

A ticket is no longer assignable (lino.modlib.users.mixins.Assignable), the assigned_to field and the two actions defined there can go away. And we get a new pair of actions, defined on lino_xl.lib.votes.mixins.Votable:

  • ☆ (an empty star) is visible only when this user does not yet have a vote on this object. Clicking it will create a default vote object and show that object in a detail window.

  • ★ (a filled star) is visible only when this user does already have a vote on this object. Clicking it will show that existing object in a detail window.

This behaviour reminds that of lino_xl.lib.stars. There is always at most one vote object per user and ticket.

New feature : it is now possible to say:

class Votes(dd.Table):
    model = 'votes.Vote'

    def do_setup(self):
        self.detail_action.hide_top_toolbar = True

This is different from saying:

class Votes(dd.Table):
    model = 'votes.Vote'
    hide_top_toolbar = True

We want it for Votes because the grid view should have a normal top toolbar, but the detail window whould be minimal (in order to make its usage intuitive).