Sunday, February 26, 2017¶
Oops, I realized only now that I forgot to check in yestedday my idea
of overriding after_ui_save()
instead of full_clean()
I invested some more time into understand why Lino Presto was broken after changes for #1512:
Added a
for Actor which is used by the__str__()
of aLayout
.The exception “Tried to install X where Y is already installed” now gives more details.
now support the case ofcommentable_model
being None.And
no longer
, and the default value forlino_noi.lib.faculties.Plugin.demander_model
if ‘contacts.Person’.
Organizing tests¶
Tonis observed that having the tests of lino
and lino_xl
in another repo (namely book) causes a problem because book does
not “know” about our Comment.reply_to_common_work feature which we
are developing in a separate branch. So there is no way of testing it.
OTOH the whole book is needed “just” for testing and documenting the
code in lino and xl. It is the reason of being for the separate
book repository. It is not possible to test all Lino features
without having at least a minimal application which uses it, and we
don’t want to force every production site to download the source code
of these minimal applications. Also we don’t want to force Lino
application developers to use lino_xl
I guess that the solution is a convention to add a new branch in every project whose name would be either testing or stable. If that additional branch is named testing, then master would contain the stable code. If it is named stable, then master would contain the testing code. And then we need to always have the same branch checked out in every project when running tests or building docs.
I suggest to have testing as that additional branch, and master (the default) becomes the stable code.
I guess that three such conventional branch names (stable, testing and unstable as they have in Debian) would be overkill in our case because Lino does not yet have a big community of developers, testers and maintainers.
We also need a way to switch all projects between master and
testing. A simple pp git checkout testing
won’t work at least
for me because I have projects which aren’t under version control. And
I guess some projects, even if they are under version control, won’t
want to take part in that game of switching versions, they would just
use the master.
Maybe add a new command inv co in atelier.invlib.tasks
do nothing in such projects. This would assume a new project config
variable. My first suggestion is common_branches, a list of set of
branch names. If I say pp inv co testing, then all projects which
have testing in their common_branches would switch to testing, all
other projects remain unchanged.
I opened ticket #1524 for this.
I worked on ticket #1418. This was probably just about
adding a new enrolment state “Trying” to
. A possible
problem is that our “requested” corresponds to their “reserve”, and
our “trying” corresponds to their “angefragt”. I am still discussing
with Roger and Monique about the correct designations. Their current
definition is roughly:
“Angefragt” sind Leute, die sich zum Kurs anmelden, aber erst “Bestätigt” werden, nachdem sie eine Teststunde besucht haben.
“Reserve” sind Leute, die sich für den Kurs interessieren, aber nicht “Bestätigt” werden können, weil zum Zeitpunkt der Anfrage kein Platz im Kurs mehr frei ist.
Here is my answer:
Ich erlaube mir, eure Definitionen noch ein wenig umzubiegen in der Hoffnung, dass diese Formulierung für alle Beteiligten intuitiv verständlich ist:
Angefragt (=das was ihr bisher “Reserve” nennt) bedeutet, dass die Person teilnehmen will aber nicht darf, weil kein Platz ist.
Probe (=das, was ihr bisher “Angefragt” nennt) bedeutet , dass die Person eine Teststunde oder Schnupperwoche absolviert. Zu klären: nehmen diese Leute dann einen Platz weg oder nicht?
About service reports in Lino Noi¶
I understood a few things around #1526. With the new
Maintenance SLA we will need to write more and more service reports.
But the
not the right approach because it does not help making sure that every
invoiceable session is being reported once and only once. Actually we
need lino_xl.lib.invoicing
and make clocking.Session
inherit from lino_xl.lib.invoicing.mixins.Invoiceable
The “only” problem with this is that invoicing is currently part of cosi. Until now I had been thinking about Lino Noi as an application without any accounting.
My conclusion is that I should move yet another series of plugins from
cosi and noi to xl, making the overall structure of the Lino project
more “flat”. Instead of having several plugin libraries
for system plugins, lino_xl.lib
extended plugins, lino_noi.lib
for groupware stuff, and
for accounting stuff) we would have just two of
them : lino.modlib
for minimalists and lino_xl.lib
everything else.
I moved the following plugins from lino_cosi.lib
: accounts, finan, invoicing, ledger, vat, vatless,
sepa, sales and tim2lino.
TODO: change file headers from AGPL to BSD