Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Autosummary and layouts modules

The lino_tera.lib.tera.layouts module caused inv bd to fail in Developer Guide:

[autosummary] failed to import u'lino_tera.lib.tera.layouts': no module named lino_tera.lib.tera.layouts

Here is how I can visualize the real problem behind this:

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.min9.settings')
>>> import lino_tera.lib.tera.layouts
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".../lino_tera/lib/tera/layouts.py", line 38, in <module>
    dd.plugins.lists.verbose_name = _("Topics")
  File "/media/dell1tb/work/atelier/atelier/utils.py", line 64, in __getattr__
    name, ', '.join(list(self.keys()))))
AttributeError: AttrDict instance has no key 'lists' (keys are weasyprint, addresses, xl, phones, topics, sales, ledger, channels, pages, accounts, notify, excerpts, cv, export_excel, bootstrap3, households, invoicing, appypod, jinja, clocking, contacts, wkhtmltopdf, tinymce, system, comments, extjs, languages, contenttypes, products, postings, vat, extensible, gfks, users, deploy, staticfiles, office, concepts, votes, lino, faculties, sessions, outbox, properties, bevat, tickets, about, boards, countries, sepa, notes, polls, noi, courses, printing, humanlinks, uploads, reception, cal, checkdata, changes)

The problem is that autosummary needs to import the module, but after our recent changes (for #2137) the module requires the lino_xl.lib.lists plugin to be installed. And autosummary imports it with the lino_book.projects.max settings. And these did not yet include lino_xl.lib.lists plugin.

But even if I add lino_xl.lib.lists to lino_book.projects.max, I get another error:

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.min9.settings')
>>> import lino_tera.lib.tera.layouts
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/media/dell1tb/work/tera/lino_tera/lib/tera/layouts.py", line 54, in <module>
  File "/media/dell1tb/work/atelier/atelier/utils.py", line 64, in __getattr__
    name, ', '.join(list(self.keys()))))
AttributeError: AttrDict instance has no key 'tera' (keys are weasyprint, addresses, xl, phones, topics, sales, ledger, channels, pages, accounts, notify, excerpts, cv, export_excel, bootstrap3, households, invoicing, appypod, jinja, clocking, contacts, wkhtmltopdf, tinymce, system, comments, extjs, languages, contenttypes, products, postings, vat, extensible, gfks, users, deploy, staticfiles, office, concepts, votes, lists, lino, faculties, sessions, outbox, properties, bevat, tickets, about, boards, countries, sepa, notes, polls, noi, courses, printing, humanlinks, uploads, reception, cal, checkdata, changes)

Yes, this is a fundamental things to accept. To solve this issue, I have to indent the whole content of the module under an if condition:

if dd.is_installed('tera'):


This case would be an example of a case why return inside a module would be useful. It would be more clear to write:

if not dd.is_installed('tera'):

But that’s is a Python design decision, as explained e.g. in this thread.

The qtclient

I fiddled with qtclient. No visible result yet.

Lino as a CMS

I continued on lino_book.projects.cms.

  • The login input fields were useless here since here we have a separate admin interface.

  • Instead of supporting an unlimited number of user interfaces (and an attribute user_interfaces with a list of them, we now have a new attribute Site.admin_ui.

  • When selecting another language and then clicking to another page in the menu, the selected language was lost. Page.get_absolute_url() now forwards optional kwargs to lino.core.plugins.Plugin.build_plain_url().

These changes cf8ec5bc and 643b7896) must be considered dangerous because they might have introduced regressions that are not covered by the test suite.


  • lino_book.projects.belref does not change the user language anymore. Check whether this has come with today’s changes.

  • add more meaningful demo content

  • add images

  • make it sexy and reactive