Thursday, February 8, 2018

Tonis showed me a next series of progresses with the new OpenUI5 interface. It continues to look promising!

The next thing to do are the detail windows. OpenUI5 has more possibilities than ExtJS, but in a first step we will just continue to use Lino’s traditional layout concept and render it using nested flexboxes.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.min1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> a = rt.models.users.UsersOverview.sign_in.__class__
>>> a
<class 'lino.modlib.users.actions.SignIn'>

The dialog window for this action is available at the params_layout attribute:

>>> a.params_layout.__class__
<class 'lino.core.layouts.Panel'>

which alwais has at least one element called main:

>>> a.params_layout.main
'\n    username\n    password\n    '

You can get the layout handle for this main element:

>>> lh = rt.models.users.UsersOverview.sign_in.params_layout.get_layout_handle(settings.SITE.kernel.default_ui)

and that element has itself 2 children:

>>> len(lh.main.elements)
>>> for e in lh.main.elements:
...     print(repr(e.wrapped))
<CharFieldElement username in lino.core.layouts.ActionParamsLayout on <lino.modlib.users.actions.SignIn sign_in ('Sign in')>>
<PasswordFieldElement password in lino.core.layouts.ActionParamsLayout on <lino.modlib.users.actions.SignIn sign_in ('Sign in')>>