Tuesday, March 6, 2018

After several days of fiddling (for #2333), I now start to be satisfied (again) with the notification framework.

I started to convert documentation from docstrings in the code to prosa specification in notify: Notification framework.

I removed NotableAction (a subclass of lino.modlib.notify.NotifyingAction which potentially also creates a system note) because that was too much complication. I extended NotableAction so that if the emitting object also has a method emit_system_note(), then this is being called as well. That’s easier to understand.

I renamed ChangeObservable to ChangeNotifier

TODO: move notes from xl to lino core because otherwise it’s difficult to document. Or rather move notify from lino core to xl?

After about one week without Facebook, they now managed to send me an SMS with the confirmation code.

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