Thursday, May 10, 2018¶
A Kanban board for Lino Noi¶
I read Robin Parmar’s article A crash course in project management where he introduces the Kanban board. Wikipedia. explains that
A popular example of a Kanban board for agile or lean software development consists of: Backlog, Ready, Coding, Testing, Approval, and Done columns. It is also a common practice to name columns in a different way, for example: Next, In Development, Done, Customer Acceptance, Live. [6]
This might be something we need in Jane. The columns of the Kanban board remind our ticket states (excerpt from tickets in Noi):
======= =========== ========== ======== ========
value name text Symbol Active
------- ----------- ---------- -------- --------
10 new New ⚹ Yes
15 talk Talk ☎ Yes
20 opened Open ☉ Yes
22 started Started ⚒ Yes
30 sleeping Sleeping ☾ No
40 ready Ready ☐ Yes
50 closed Closed ☑ No
60 cancelled Refused ☒ No
======= =========== ========== ======== ========
I’d say that Kanban is the wheel I was reinventing with the Active column of a ticket state. We might replace that column with a new choicelist for the Kanban column to use:
Ticket state |
Kanban column |
New |
Backlog |
Talk |
Backlog |
Open |
Ready |
Started |
Coding/Testing |
Sleeping |
Done |
Ready |
Approval |
Closed |
Done |
Refused |
Done |
The KanbanColumns
on Jane would then be:
Backlog (waiting for management decision)
Ready (for the team to work on)
Coding & Testing (we currently don’t differentiate them)
Approval (waiting for confirmation that the job is done)
Done (including “Refused” and “Sleeping”)
And every user would have in their dashboard a summary listing show tickets assigned to them, using this classification. The “Done” column, of course, is not shown in the Dashboard.
This will functionally replace the welcome messages “Your stars are (…)” and “You have 78 items in Tickets to triage. “
The Backlog is the list of tickets used by managers to discuss about what we want and how important each of them is. Our “Sleeping” state can be considered a pre-backlog stage because a sleeping ticket might wake up at any moment. OTOH it sleeping because we do not want it in the Backlog (otherwise it would be Talk). If some team member finds a sleeping ticket and thinks it should wake up, they would set it to Talk to make it (re)appear on the backlog.
The ticket state is almost the same as the Kanban column, but only
almost. The ticket state is more granular, the KanbanColumns
list groups several states in order to help with classifying them and
discussing about them. It replaces and refines the current checkbox.
Yes, this seems to be a missing piece in Jane. I opened #2384.
EDIT: Maybe we can just do that summary list directly on the TicketStates (potentially renaming some of them or reviewing our ticket states). Maybe we just want a summary view for the existing MyTicketsToWork table.
Here is a failure caused by appy.pod in Lino Welfare:
That failure is somewhere in appy.pod, so this is where we should switch back to Gaëtan’s original appy-python-3 project instead of appypod, my obsolete partial fork of it.
Gaëtan still insists on distributing his project without adding a
. You might say that he is crazy, and you might be
right, but I’d then add that we are all crazy…
But he found a workaround for his crazy obstination. He created a
separate project appy-dev on which
contains a
and then uses Subversion’s svn:externals
feature. Instead of creating two projects, one for each Appy branch,
he writes “Mais au lieu de créer un repository entier à part, j’ai
réaménagé le repository appy-dev avec 2 répertoires de base: dev0 pour
Appy 0.x en Python2 et dev1 pour Appy 1.x en Python3. J’ai changé la
page explicative ici:”
After reading the docs about requirements files and some local experiments I try with the requirement:
-e svn+
And yes! It works! My appypod project can go away, it’s no longer needed!
I updated the requirements-python3.txt
files for Developer Guide
and Lino Welfare.
Later I reported my first bug in appy-python-3:
Fixed another bug in atelier¶
I explored the failures on Travis CI where inv bd
undefined label:atelier.invlib. Yes,
didn’t yet work in
environments without a local
file. Such projects
have neither a
file not a
but at least thei have a main_package
(and that’s what intersphinx
Welfare docs no longer depend on the Lino book¶
The Lino Welfare docs tree had several dependencies to the Lino Book (e.g. Install your Lino developer environment and the java projects). I started to remove them because it makes things unnecessarily complicated.