Friday, December 7, 2018

dead keys sometimes don’t work in PyCharm

I added my comment to their existing ticket:

I continued to work on #2687. The release notes Welfare FR Lino Welfare « Châtelet » 18.12.0 (2018-12-15) are now public. Seems that the summary for UploadsByClient doesn’t work. #2721.

A side effect of #2723. When separating cpaschatelet from the general lino welfare site I forgot to take the setup_plugins() method. As a consequence lino_xl.lib.clients.Plugin.client_model was not set correctly. To understand what was going on, I had to extend the assertion message issued by lino.modlib.memo.parser.Parser.register_django_model() when an application tries to redefine another renderer on the same model.