Monday, June 24, 2019

I think that getlino needs a config file which contains default values for the projects_root etc. And the first argument must be a command. We need at least two commands “setup” and “startsite” .

Note that one day, maybe, we should rename “lino” to “lino_core”, and “getlino” to “lino”. But that’s for later.

The getlino script

To install Lino, you just say:

$ pip install getlino

and then invoke the getlino script:


The getlino script asks you a series of questions and then creates a new site in your project root.

The getlino script can be used to add more sites on the same machine. When invoked for the first time on a given machine, it will do a system-wide first-time setup.

The first-time setup will do so some system-wide changes. For example:

  • create the file /etc/getlino/getlino.conf

  • run apt-get install to install system packages like python, nginx, supervisor and many more.

  • create a file /etc/supervisor/conf.d/libreoffice-headless.conf

The first-time setup decides whether this machine will be a “production server” or a “development environment”. This choice should be done only for your first site. For any next site on the same machine you should not change this option.

How does the script “know” whether it is being invoked for the first-time? When the project_root does not exist or is empty.

The script reads or creates a site-wide file getlino.conf (using standard Python configparser like supervisor).

The script uses cookiecutter to create a new site:

   no_input=True, extra_context=...)


Note that the getlino script asks all necessary questions and then does not let cookiecutter ask any more questions. We do not let cookiecutter ask questions because its ui is too primitive: it does not support question prompts in English, it does not support choicelists.

The getlino script has command-line options. Some examples of how to invoke it):

$ --prod
$ cosi mysite

The first two arguments are appname (which of the available Lino apps) and then prjname (how it should be named on your machine)

Without arguments it will run in interactive mode and ask for appname and prjname.