Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Optimizations for Lino Così

I tried to find a solution for #3101 (More intuitive data entry for voucher content). When you created a voucher (invoice, bank statement, …) it is difficult to guess that you must now click the “show in own window” button on the content panel in order to continue.

A simple solution seems to have that button immediately behind the panel’s title instead of in the far right corner. Similar to the button in the dashboard. To implement this, we need to introduce a way to dynamically set the panel title. This seems related to #3082.

One side effect is that I moved some code from lino.core.dashboard.DashboardItem.render_request() into a new method open_in_own_window_button.

I used the sum_text_column of bank statements because the total text of their content panel looked so silly that I made two screenshots before and after and wrote some developer docs about. See Showing, hiding and formatting sums.

Some optimizations in the minimal_ledger fixture for lino_xl.lib.accounting.

A list GET now sets a new response attribute title_url parameter (only in extjs… this code should get generalized). Not yet used. Not definitive.

The challenge here is that there is (by design) no separate Ajax call for each HtmlBoxPanel, so when showing the slave table as html we would need another field (e.g. htmlbox name suffixed “_title”) to set the panel’s title dynamically)

One visible result: the “list” part in the breadcrumbs for a detail window is now clickable. New method lino.core.requests.Request.get_breadcrumbs(). At least one issue: it forgets manually changed filter params.

I released Lino 19.7.1 and XL 19.7.1 to PyPI (for upgrading our own Lino Così production site).

I optimized column layout of lino_xl.lib.finan.ItemsByJournalEntry.

I wrote a new page of end-user documentation in German: